Carbon; Nitrogen; Calcium; Magnesium
3. What were the two most valuable products derived from the tree Castanea americana?
Chestnuts And Wood
78% Nitrogen; 21% Oxygen; And 1% Argon
7. Order the following from the SMALLEST unit of distance to the LARGEST:
mile, rod, feet, furlong.
Answer: Feet, Rod, Furlong, Mile
11. What is the largest WAN in existence today?
The Internet
Weigh A Milliliter Of Water From The Pipet
Graphics Accelerator Card
Department Of Energy
25. The second stroke in a four stroke engine is most commonly referred to as the:
Compression Stroke
Department Of Energy And National Institutes Of Health
28. What does the acronym LCD stand for?
Liquid Crystal Display
30. Iron pyrite is more popularly called:
Fool's Gold
31. What does the acronym CPU stand for?
Central Processing Unit
32. What are the 7 colors that Newton used to describe the visible light spectrum:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, And Violet
34. Predicting data values on a graph that fall between two points is most typically referred to as:
Universal Serial Bus