1. According to Erik Erikson, the major developmental task during adolescence is to achieve a sense of

* a) Competence
* b) Responsibility
* c) Integrity
* d) Identity
* e) Intimacy

Answer - d

2. Current research suggests that a sense of self-efficacy is most likely to be associated with

* a) A high degree of social compliance
* b) A low threshold for emotional arousal
* c) A stable external attribution style
* d) An external locus of control
* e) An internal locus of control

Answer - e

4. The concept of functional fixedness refers to the fact that

* a) Experts solve problems intuitively while beginners solve them by trial and error
* b) Solutions to problems often occur suddenly after an incubation period
* c) Individuals differ in their ability to visualize how objects will appear when rotated in space
* d) Individuals often do not see unusual uses or applications for familiar objects
* e) Learning under partial reinforcement is very resistant to extinction

Answer - d

5. Which of the following illustrates a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement?

* a) Receiving five dollars weekly for completing household chores
* b) Receiving a grade of A on every paper submitted in a course
* c) Winning the lottery after playing many times
* d) Receiving a dollar for each mile completed in a charity walkathon
* e) Being given increased use of the family car after reaching age 18

Answer - c

6. During REM sleep, which of the following is most likely to occur?

* a) Slowed respiration
* b) Sleepwalking
* c) Stable blood pressure
* d) Decreased heart rate
* e) Suppressed muscle tone

Answer - e

7. Visual negative afterimages are one result of

* a) Sensory adaptation
* b) Simultaneous contrast
* c) Spatial summation
* d) Brightness oversensitivity
* e) Color intensity

Answer - a

8. Which part of the cerebral cortex receives information about temperature, pressure, touch, and pain?

* a) Motor cortex
* b) Prefrontal cortex
* c) Temporal lobe
* d) Occipital lobe
* e) Parietal lobe

Answer - e

9. The region of the brain most involved in the experience of emotions is the

* a) Cerebellum
* b) Basal ganglia
* c) Limbic system
* d) Reticular activating system
* e) Parasympathetic nervous system

Answer - c

10. In psychology, which of the following is most appropriate for identifying cause and effect?

* a) Participant observation
* b) Survey methodology
* c) The case study
* d) Experimentation
* e) Co-relational techniques

Answer - d

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11. In which of the following Piagetian stages are, propositional reasoning most likely to be used?

* a) Secondary circular reactions
* b) Preoperational
* c) Formal operations
* d) Concrete operations
* e) Internalization of schemes

Answer - c

12. According to psychoanalytic theory, one of the important functions of the ego is to

* a) Facilitate gratification of desires at an appropriate time
* b) Govern behavior prior to the development of the superego and the id
* c) Achieve immediate gratification of desires
* d) Satisfy the demands of the superego
* e) Act as the conscience of the individual

Answer - a

13. Which of the following best illustrates a humanistic approach to personality?

* a) Establishing gender schema in the development of sex roles
* b) Recognizing the importance of unconscious forces and biological instincts
* c) Using functional analyses to specify external variables that regulate behavior
* d) Emphasizing personal growth and achievement of individual potential
* e) Exploring the childhood roots of behavior

Answer - d

14. The reliability of a test, is best indicated by which of the following?

* a) The difficulty of the test for the intended population of test takers
* b) The spread of scores on the test
* c) The extent to which scores on the test correlate with a different measure of performance
* d) The degree to which scores on the test form a normal distribution
* e) The consistency of scores on repeated administrations of the test

Answer - e

15. Which of the following sets of numbers has the largest standard deviation?

* a) -2, -1, 0, +1, +2
* b) 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00
* c) 2, 6, 10, 14, 18
* d) 5.756, 5.765, 5.890, 5.895, 5.923
* e) 91, 92, 93, 94, 95

Answer - c

17. A person with agoraphobia is best described as an individual who

* a) Displays suicidal behavior in stressful situations
* b) Shows little regard for social norms
* c) Suffers from an irrational fear and avoidance of public places
* d) Suffers from chronic fatigue and paranoia in social situations
* e) Shows excessive mood swings without warning

Answer - c

18. Person-(client) centered the rapists are most likely to use which of the following modes of treatment?

* a) Intra-psychic therapy
* b) Unconditional positive regard
* c) Drug therapy
* d) Counter transference
* e) Transactional analysis

Answer - b

19. With which of the following would a cognitively oriented therapist most likely be concerned?

* a) The number of negative self-statements made by the patient
* b) The temperament of the patient as a child
* c) The number of individuals in the patient's household
* d) The physiological makeup of the patient
* e) The responses made by the patient on a projective test

Answer - a

20. Social learning experiments on the modeling of aggressive behavior have demonstrated that

* a) Children are not affected by watching violence on television
* b) Abusive parenting accounts for most children's aggressive acts
* c) Children can develop aggressive behavior simply by watching others perform aggressive acts
* d) Children's aggressive behavior must be reinforced for it to be repeated
* e) Children imitate aggressive behavior seen on television only if the media violence is performed by children

Answer - c

21. Ion channels in ventricular myocytes:

* a) Are highly specialized phospholipids molecules.
* b) Extend from one side of the cell to the other.
* c) Let any substance pass through, so long as it is an ion.
* d) Stay open for several seconds at a time.
* e) Are generally controlled by the voltage across the membrane

Answer - e

22. A class of ion passes through an open channel:

* a) When there is an electrochemical gradient for this ion across the membrane.
* b) Because ion pumps transport the ion across the membrane
* c) Because the selectivity filter conducts the ion through it.
* d) Because other ions of the same class link up together, and drag the ion with it.
* e) Because the voltage gates act as paddles, to sweep the ions through

Answer - a

23. A voltage-gated ion channel in a ventricular myocyte:

* a) Usually has a single gate that opens and closes.
* b) Sometimes, have two gates that open and close together.
* c) Is always closed when the cell is resting
* d) Selects the type of ion that passes across the membrane
* e) Usually close when the membrane potential depolarizes.

Answer - d

24. Pulmonary surfactant:

* a) Prevents large alveoli from emptying into smaller alveoli
* b) Prevents forced expiratory efforts from emptying the alveoli.
* c) Increases the filtration of fluid from pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli.
* d) Prevents small alveoli from emptying into large alveoli
* e) Keeps the lungs and thoracic wall together

Answer - d

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25. Concerning the flow rate of air into or out of the lungs:

* a) The greater the effort of inspiration, the greater the flow rate
* b) The greater the effort of expiration, the greater the flow rate, particularly at low lung volumes.
* c) Expired air flows fastest at lung volumes near residual volume.
* d) The greatest overall resistance to airflow occurs at the level of the narrowest bronchioles.
* e) Radial traction increases the resistance to airflow during inspiration.

Answer - a