1. What is the purpose of equity research?

The purpose of equity research is to study companies, analyze financials and look at quantitative and qualitative aspects, helping investors of varying degrees to make an informed decision.
As the name suggests, 'research' plays the most important role here.
Over the years, research methods have changed but the sole intention of research remains the same.
The number of investors is booming and so is the need for exploring the nature of investments.
Investors wish to take calculated and informed decisions, and this is where the role of equity research begins.

2. Described equity research process?

Multiple steps are involved in the equity research process, which are given below:
1. Economic Analysis
2. Industry Analysis
3. Company Analysis
4. Financial Statement Analysis
5. Financial and Valuation Modeling
6. Report Writing
7. Presentation or Recommendation

3. What is equity research?

Desired information availability and consumption spurned a whole new industry, popularly known as Equity Research.
Equity research is the study of equities or stocks for the purpose of investments. Equity research is what an equity research analyst does. In simpler terms, equity research is the act of gathering information:
1) Information that helps investors to decide where to put in their money
2) Information that traders require to understand whether to enter or exit a market position
3) Information that financiers (bankers and firms) need to evaluate companies

4. What are important skills for a Trainee Researcher?

To be painstakingly detail-oriented is crucial. Strong math is also of utmost importance. Analytical skills have to be top-notch if a person is to be able to interpret the market and company performance. And communication skills are important because a research analyst communicates with clients and target industries and prepares reports regularly.

5. What is economic analysis in equity research?

Economic analysis is a systematic practice undertaken to determine the usability of available resources, comparison between two or more resources, accounting opportunity costs and measuring the scope or viability of an investment.

6. Define industry analysis in equity research?

Industry analysis is a tool used for assessing current markets and understanding its complexities. Political, economic and market factors are reviewed to understand its influence over the development of the industry.

7. Described typical research process?

An analyst focuses on a specific company or industrial segment, researches it's economic performance, and documents it in the form of a report. The report is presented to the company management who then decides how to improve the services.

8. What is financial statement analysis in equity research?

Accounts of a company are evaluated to determine the financial soundness (or otherwise) of the company. Profit and loss statements and managerial practices are overseen to prepare an accurate financial statement.

9. Define company analysis in equity research?

Company analysis is a series of activities undertaken to analyse the operations of a business, focusing on the cause and effect of decisions and how they are likely to benefit (or not) future investors.

10. Described the equity research qualification?

A degree in MBA, CA or CFA is essential to begin a career in equity research. A person begins as an equity research associate and then moves on to become an analyst in the long-term.
Interning with good financial and investment companies while still completing the course gives a strong platform towards career building.

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11. Described presentation or recommendation in equity research?

Presentation or recommendation is based on the report, recommendations are made for the benefit of the company and its shareholders.

12. Described investment banking structure in equity research?

The Investment Banking function is usually organized by industry groups and product groups. Industry groups are essentially sectors, such as industrial, Consumer Products, Energy, Financials, and others. Product groups include functions like ECM, DCM and M&A and serve companies in all sectors. The analyst role is at the lowest level.

13. Have you ever considered leaving your job to start your own company?

No, I'm not emotionally attached to the things I do, so for me starting my own business limits my flexibility if I'm financially invested.

14. What keeps you motivated?

Even if I win the lottery tomorrow, I would still live my life exactly the same. I'm pretty content at the moment so just keeping the course is enough to motivate me for now.

15. How much does money motivate you?

Motivate a little in the sense that it's one form of measurement for success. But otherwise not a whole lot. Partly why I would not consider banking at this point in my life as I personally do place a value on my free time and would forgo a potentially bigger payoff via the banking/PE route.

16. Can you please explain the difference between an associate and an analyst in investment banking?

In Investment Banking, the analyst role is the lowest level in the organizational chart. The analyst usually reports to an associate, and therefore the associate in Investment Banking ranks higher than the analyst.

17. Described about flow chart?

The flow chart gives a clear graphical representation of an implemented
process. This makes the system simple to understand for all persons involved in the project.

18. Explain use case model?

The use case model requires a use case diagram. It describes the business
environment. Its primary goal is to show the series of events and actions within any given process that will be performed by an actor.

19. List the different types of diagrams?

► Use case diagram
► Activity diagram
► Collaboration diagram.

20. Described collaboration diagram?

A communication diagram or interaction diagram, is an illustration of the relationships and interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The concept is more than a decade old although it has been refined as modeling paradigms have evolved.

21. Why you want to work in equity research?

If your aim is to work in equity research or you're interested in any finance position, you should have a good reason for applying for the position you're interviewing for.
In the case of equity research, mention your non-finance work experience as a reason to focus on the sector you're interviewing for. Also, you could use a specific class or course that helped you prepare for this position.
One way to look at equity research vs. investment banking is that as an equity research analyst/associate:
★ You only have access to public information, which makes the job interesting.
★ You get to talk to suppliers, customers and competitors of your coverage universe.
★ You focus on one sector and eventually become an expert in that sector.

On the other hand, as an investment banking associate/analyst:
★ You get to work with companies directly and you could have access to material non-public information.
★ You work on many deals with different scopes.
★ You work on companies from different sectors.
Just do your research before you head to an interview and have couple reasons on why you picked this position over another one. Saying that you'll get to apply your finance skills might not be enough, because you could apply them whether you work in equity research or in investment banking.

22. Which skills are most needed for an equity research analyst?

★ It is necessary to possess higher analytical abilities.
★ You need to have strong understanding of accounts and financial fundamentals as most of the time, what you are doing are crunching numbers!
★ Apart from this, knowledge about global and local business is an added advantage.
★ You should know about capital markets and how they function.
★ The equity analyst also needs to be a good communicator.
★ Since all the financial analysis needs to be presented in the form of reports and/or case studies, strong writing skills is a must.
★ As an equity researcher, possessing correct judgment goes with the job.

23. Described UML modeling?

UML in full means Unified Modeling Language. It is the industry standard
language for constructing, visualizing and documenting the different components within a system.

24. Described the significance of using an activity diagram?

The activity diagram is important because it gives an outline of the work
flow within the business as well as the activities and action completed.
For instance with a company, there is likely to be more than one department. In such a case each department, will have different access levels to the system.
So if there's a Medical, HR and Accounts team they will only have access to screens that relate to each.
The activity diagram will highlight the differences within the departments which will be very helpful for developers when they are designing and coding.

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25. Described Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)?

Cost Benefit Analysis is a technique used to determine if the financial benefit s of a project outweigh the associated cost of undertaking the project in the first place. For a short term project where the benefit may be an immediate one-time cash windfall this may be as simple as subtracting the total of all the project cost from the total of all of the project benefits. If the total is positive, then the project may be worth completing.