1. ‘Hard' human resource approaches are concerned with which of the following?

► A) Issues of performance management
► B) The most difficult issues
► C) Recruitment and training
► D) Peoples' behavior

A) Issues of performance management

2. ‘Soft' human resource approaches are concerned with which of the following:

► A) Systems and procedures
► B) The easy issues
► C) Peoples' behavior
► D) Culture

C) Peoples' behavior

3. A human resources function could undertake the following roles?

► A) Service provider, regulator, advisor, change agent
► B) Service provider, regulator, recruiter, change agent
► C) Service provider, regulator, advisor, benchmarking
► D) Recruitment, regulator, advisor, benchmarking

A) Service provider, regulator, advisor, change agent

4. Short-term human resource activities should be linked to which of the following?

► A) Business strategies
► B) All of answers A, C and D
► C) Long-term human resource strategies
► D) Other short-term human resource strategies

B) All of answers A, C and D

5. The impact on core competences of enhanced information processing capability is to

► A) Build core competences
► B) Destroy core competences
► C) Build or destroy core competences
► D) Neither builds nor destroys core competences

C) Build or destroy core competences

6. Data mining is about:

* A) Finding trends and connections in data to inform competitive strategy
* B) Gathering data from new sources
* C) Making more of the available data
* D) Finding trends and connections in data

A) Finding trends and connections in data to inform competitive strategy

7. A business model describes:

* A) Product flows, service flows, information flows, market positioning
* B) Product flows, service flows, information flows, participants' roles
* C) The business plan, product flows, information flows, market positioning
* D) The business plan, product flows, information flows, participants' roles

B) Product flows, service flows, information flows, participants' roles

8. Enhanced information processing capability can contribute most too low price strategies through which of the following:

* A) Improving product features
* B) Lowering prices
* C) Customization
* D) Routinisation

D) Routinisation

9. R&D is best funded from & located at the corporate centre for:

* A) Commercializing new technologies
* B) Product or process improvements
* C) Development of new technologies
* D) Assessing new technologies

D) Assessing new technologies

10. Shareholder value is determined by:

* A) The long-term cash-generating capability of the organization
* B) The share price
* C) Dividend payments
* D) Investments

A) The long-term cash-generating capability of the organization

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11. The following are (shareholder) value drivers:

* A) Sales revenue, capital investment, stock reductions
* B) Sales revenue, Asset disposal, creditor reductions
* C) Operational costs, capital investment, creditor reductions
* D) Sales revenue, asset disposal, stock reductions

D) Sales revenue, asset disposal, stock reductions

12. During the launch period, strategies are best funded by:

* A) Venture capital
* B) Long term loans
* C) Growth investors
* D) Retained earnings

A) Venture capital

13. Market conditions will have the biggest influence on prices for which of the following:

* A) New products or services
* B) Overseas sales
* C) Commodity products or services
* D) Customized products or services

C) Commodity products or services

14. Technology can drive substitution of products or services by:

* A) Creating new and better products or services
* B) Substitution of need by a related product or service
* C) All of answers A, B, and D
* D) Displacing consumer spending into new unrelated products and services

C) All of answers A, B, and D

15. Diffusion is:

* A) The extent and pace of market adoption
* B) The pace of technological improvement of products
* C) the factors that influence ‘, early adopters ', of products
* D) Degree of improvement in product performance

A) The extent and pace of market adoption

16. In a rapidly changing environment, the most robust core competences related to technology are likely to be:

* A) Excellence in a leading edge technology
* B) Processes for continuous improvement
* C) The ability to combine technologies
* D) First mover advantages

B) Processes for continuous improvement

17. Tell me what needs happen to break-even?

You need to play around with financial projections and forecasts to determine the volume of sales needed to cover your expenses and to become profitable. Include monthly breakdowns for the first two years.

18. Define economics of your business?

Define your revenue streams including pricing structure, costs, margins and expenses.

19. Tell me whom will you be targeting as customer?

Narrowing down your target customer will help enhance and define your marketing strategy.

20. Do you know how big is the market in which you are entering?

Only after understanding the industry you are entering - its size, attractiveness and profit potential - can you truly justify the opportunity.

21. Do you know who will be the key players in the business?

The management team, board and advisers to the business. Highlight their expertise and experiences.

22. Share your ideas how does company differentiate itself?

Describe your business model and competitive advantage. This will help you to outline how the business will sustain its position within the market.

23. What strategy you used to satisfy the need of business?

Introduce and describe the business itself. Consider including a mission or vision statement with objectives detailing how the business satisfies the need in the market.

24. Do you know about the need that business exists to satisfy?

Every business exists because of some noticeable opportunity that you have discovered within the market. So you must clearly define the need and/or problem you are solving with this business.

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25. Tell me about your most effective marketing and promotional strategies?

Once you've identified your target client, you'll need to develop and implement a strategy on how best to reach them (e.g. PPC, television, radio, social, etc). And this in large part will be influenced by where your target client consumes information.