Tell me a story about yourself?
Submitted by: Muhammad
Whatever story you decide to tell in this situation, make sure that it has some relevance to the world of your professional endeavors. The tale you tell should demonstrate, or refer to, one or more of your key behavioral profiles in action – perhaps honesty, integrity, being a team player, or determination. If you choose “team player” (maybe you're the star player on your intermural basketball team), you can tell a story about yourself outside of work that also speaks volumes about you at work.
In part, your answer should make the connection between the two, such as, “I put my heart into everything I do, whether it be sports or work. I find that getting along with teammates, or professional peers makes life more enjoyable and productive.”
The best way to answer this question is to tell a story that reveals something about your character and experience. A great story to tell in this situation is how you got started in education. What made you want to be a teacher? What made you want to transition into administration? You can use an unusual educational situation in which you have been involved and describe it briefly.
Submitted by: Muhammad
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