How can it be analyzed to find something, which is “Newsworthy” about the Business?
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An editor, an item is newsworthy if one feels that his readers, listeners, or viewers are finding it interesting and/or very useful. What is newsworthy to the editor of Field & Stream is, of course a quite different from what is newsworthy is to the editor when used in a Cosmopolitan way. However, all newsworthy items do have some things in common.
To uncover the newsworthiness in any business, one should think about your target customer. Try to understand by making yourself in his or her shoes. What will make you excited? Intrigued or Provoked. Now, think about how a business provides some type of service, product, or information that feeds into these reactions.
Firstly, try to remember a pitch letter opening for the accountant. One might think that being one of a hundred accountants in a town might make it very tough to be newsworthy, but an American who are unaware of a new tax break needlessly paid more than $5 billion in extra taxes last year. As per the survey and time is running out for them to get that money back from the IR
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One should make a good business reporters stand up and take notice. In such cases, the accountant's target customers are individuals and business who are regularly filing taxes. One should also try to understand what gets them excited and intrigued. The notion as per people's mentality is that they may have some money due back to them. What will provoke them? It is the realization that there is a deadline to claim that money back.
Notice that the pitch does not talk about “Local accountant MR.XXX has specialized in tax overpayments” or “Mr., a graduate of the University of Michigan, has opened an accounting practice specializing in tax overpayments”. Those are angles of interest chiefly to Mr. However; “one should always needlessly pay more than certain amount in extra taxes” it is just an angle of interest to just about everyone.
Submitted by: Administrator
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