2. To confirm his diagnosis, the student should check for absence of sensation in which part of his hand:

► a) Thumb
► b) Little Finger (pinkie)
► c) Index finger
► d) Middle finger

Answer - b

3. He also should check for specific signs of:

► a) Claw Hand
► b) Wrist Drop
► c) Ape Hand
► d) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Answer- a

4. Damage to this nerve normally occurs when injury is located at the:

► a) Lateral Epicondyle of the Humerus
► b) Anatomical Neck of the Humerus
► c) Surgical Neck of the Humerus
► d) Deltoid Tuberosity of the Humerus

Answer- c

7. He then concludes that the following nerve(s) to the muscle(s) must also be intact:

► a) Musculocutaneous
► b) Radial
► c) Ulnar
► d) Median
► e) Two of the above, both the Ulnar and Median Nerves must be intact

Answer- e

8. On further inspection, he notes an inability to flex the proximal interphalengeal joints of his four medial fingers. He concludes from the information that he has injured his:

► a) Palmaris Longus Muscle
► b) Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle
► c) Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle
► d) Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle
► e) Two of the above

Answer- c

10. The medial wall of the anatomical snuffbox consists of the tendon from:

► a) Extensor Pollicus Brevis
► b) Flexor Pollicus Longus
► c) Flexor Carpi Radialis
► d) Extensor Pollicus Longus
► e) Abductor Pollicus Longus

Answer- d

12. The five groups of lymph nodes in the axilla consist of all of the following except:

► a) Central Group
► b) Lateral Group and Central Group
► c) Pectoral Group
► d) Subscapular Group
► e) Cervicle Group

Answer- e

13. The thickened skin in one area of the patients right breast is most likely due:

► a) Necrotic Breast Tissue
► b) Swollen Glandular Tissue
► c) Blocked Lactiferous Duct
► d) Calcified Fat Lobule
► e) Interference with Lymphatic Drainage

Answer- e

14. The dimpling of the skin observed in the breast is probably due to:

► a) Necrotic Breast Tissue
► b) Shortened Cooper's Ligaments
► c) Interference with Lymphatic Drainage
► d) Blocked Lactiferous Duct
► e) Swollen Glandular Tissue

Answer- b

15. A structure composed of two or more tissues is termed:

► a) Organ
► b) Serous membrane
► c) Complex tissue
► d) Organ system

Answer - a

16. The visceral pleura:

► a) is the membrane lining surface of the lungs
► b) is the membrane lining the wall of the thoracic cavity
► c) is the fluid around the lungs
► d) is the thinnest portion of the peritoneum

Answer - a

17. The anatomical position is characterized by all of the following except:

► a) Palms facing posterior
► b) Thumbs pointing laterally
► c) Face pointing anteriorly
► d) Body standing upright

Answer - a

18. Which of the following lies fully ipsilateral to the left iliac region?

► a) Epigastric region
► b) Left hypochondiac region
► c) Right inguinal region
► d) Hypogastric region

Answer - b

19. The "basic unit of life" is:

► a) The atom
► b) Water
► c) The cell
► d) The chemical level of organization

Answer - c

20. A homeostatic imbalance:

► a) Must be restored by negative feedback mechanisms
► b) Is considered the cause of most diseases
► c) Is when the internal conditions of the body become more stable
► d) Only occur when positive feedback mechanisms are overwhelmed

Answer - b

21. Which of the following is not a characteristic of life?

► a) Growth
► b) Responsiveness
► c) Reproduction
► d) Organ systems

Answer - d

22. The sum of all chemical reactions in the body is termed:

► a) Homeostasis
► b) Physiology
► c) Dynamic feedback
► d) Metabolism

Answer - d

23. A vertical plane through the body dividing it into right and left is termed:

► a) Sagittal
► b) Lateral
► c) Transverse
► d) Frontal

Answer - a

24. Which of the following is an example of applied physiology?

► a) Measuring the length of the femur on a fetus using ultrasound
► b) Locating an injury to a tendon in the shoulder using CT imaging
► c) Describing the process of how a toxin interferes with nerve impulse conduction
► d) Identifying the types of cells found in a biopsy sample of lung tissue

Answer - c

25. The elbow is ______ the wrist:

► a) Distal
► b) Lateral
► c) Ventral
► d) Proximal

Answer - d

26. The heart is ____ to the lungs:

► a) Superior
► b) Dorsal
► c) Medial
► d) Lateral

Answer - c

27. What is the function of serous membranes?

► a) To prevent fluid loss from an organ
► b) To reduce friction between internal organs
► c) To circulate blood around the organ
► d) To conserve heat within the organ

Answer - b

28. Histology is the study for which of the following:

► a) Cells and membranes
► b) Skin
► c) Organs and organ systems
► d) Tissues

Answer - d

29. Which of the following involves the injection of radioisotopes into the body?

► a) Radiography
► b) PET
► c) CT imaging
► d) MRI

Answer - b