1. How to motivated you?

► I'm motivated by personal achievement. I like to work hard and achieve the goals I have set out for myself.
► Learning new things has always been a great motivator for me. From every job I've had, I believe I've always been able to learn something new, or a new way to look at a problem.

2. Tell me are you a self motivator?

Absolutely. I am a very active person, and I enjoy my work. I'm always looking for new and innovative ideas to bring to a project.

3. What is expressing empathy?

► Acceptance facilitates change.
► Skillful reflective listening is fundamental to expressing empathy.
► Ambivalence is normal.

4. What is hypercompetition?

Hypercompetition is rapid and dynamic competition characterized by unsustainable advantage. It is the condition of rapid escalation of competition based on price-quality positioning, competition to protect or invade established product or geographic markets and competition based on deep pockets (financial capital) and the creation of even deeper pocketed alliances.

5. Tell me have you set a personal goal for yourself?

A job is a personal as well as professional ambition for the person. In fact, a person would be able to excel in their jobs only if they have the ambition and dream to achieve something in their jobs.

6. What to avoid in interview?

► Avoid argumentation.
► Confrontation is unhelpful to change and is likely to increase

7. What challenges are you looking for in this position?

The challenges you are seeking is to discuss how you would like to be able to effectively utilize your skills and experience if you were hired for the job.
You can also mention that you are motivated by challenges, have the ability to effectively meet challenges, and have the flexibility and skills necessary to handle a challenging job.

8. Tell me what are you passionate about?

► One of my greatest passions is helping others. When I was younger, I've enjoyed helping mom with household repairs. As I grew older, that habit grew and I desired to help others as well. I like helping people find solutions that meet their specific needs.
► I'm passionate about painting. I take an evening art class once a week and try to find time each weekend to paint. Painting is a good way for me to relax and even though I don't have much talent, I do it enjoy it.

9. Tell us about that project which has been the most exciting project?

Answer to such questions is not something that you can come up with in the immediate moment. The best thing that you can do to be ready for these questions is to do some of your homework before you actually attend the interview. Read up on some of the basic questions that are asked and you will be able to make up a list of the exciting projects that you have been working on, or have worked on.

10. Explain why are you interested in this job role?

This question is finding out whether you really understand the job that you will be doing. There are many misconceptions about careers and answers such as "I am interested in human resource management because I really enjoy helping people with their problems" or "Working as an advertising account manager will allow me to use my creative skills" show that the candidate has not done their basic research into these areas.

11. Tell me what do you expect to be doing during your first year?

This question aims to assess how well you understand the job that you will be doing - how much responsibility you will have, the way that you will be working, the tasks involved and the skills that you will need to do the job well. Some job roles, such as accountancy and actuarial work, will also involve study for professional exams and you should show that you are prepared to combine this with the demands of the job.

12. What provides you with motivation?

► I'm motivated by personal achievement. I like to work hard and achieve the goals I have set out for myself.
► I really enjoy helping people, and when I see the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, I take the initiative.

13. Tell me what motivates you for working better?

Your response will vary based on your background and experiences, but, you will want to share your enthusiasm and what you like(d) best about your job.

14. Would you regard yourself as a self-starter?

Answers should prove that applicant can self-motivate by setting ambitious goals, working hard, and keeping up with current trends. They should clearly demonstrate this quality with appropriate examples.

15. Explain when you and your whole team were demoralized for some reason. What do you do to raise spirits?

Job seeker should express him/herself as a team player. They should be self-motivated and group motivated. They should not give up easily and have the ability toempathize with other colleagues.

16. Explain least three things that you have done in the past year to improve yourself?

Applicant's answer should show an interest in learning new things, they should be self-motivated, and want to be as qualified as possible.

17. Explain a work related goal that you have set for yourself?

Applicant should appear to self-motivate by setting ambitious goals and targets.

18. Explain about a goal you achieved which at some points seems hopeless? Why you keep going on?

If candidate has done this, it shows great energy and commitment. Candidate should also show that they can work hard, but are not obsessive about their work.

19. Tell us about a hurdle which got in the way of achieving an ambitious goal. How did you go about overcoming it?

Job seeker should show that they are a hard worker and that they try to achieve ambitious goals; they should not surrender easily.

20. Suppose you willingly volunteered for a task. Also, why were you so interested in this specific task?

Applicant should express that they take the initiative when it comes to additional work and they are always interested in increasing their knowledge and contacts. Applicant should have plenty of energy to do more.

21. Suppose if a project you were involved in that really excited you? How long did that feeling last?

The candidate should reveal a dedication and passion towards their work.

22. Why use export-import utility over repro?

I think it depends on what cost less. We reproduce if it cost lesser & we import rawmaterials if we dont have the resources to reproduce them ourself.

23. Suppose when you failed to meet a deadline. What were the repercussions?

I just realised that I enjoy working well under preasure because I like to work where there is more challege and by priotising.

24. What motivates to do your best on the job?

Loving the job and heading to be in the highest level in the whole job scoop, competing is very important to be always motivated yes I love it, success in life idea is what keeps you motivated in ever.

25. What exactly does a person require to motivate an individual?

Motivation is when you enjoy what you are doing, when you feel that there is another person inside you telling you to continue what you are working because you are going to be something if you can do this work perfectly, when you can not feel the time around you because what you are doing is pleasuring and makes you feel that you are affective in the sociaty. The person requires to be motivated themselves so they can motivate an individual.

26. What is Motivation?

Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain behavior. It is the scientific word used to represent the reasons for our actions, our desires, and our needs. Motivation can also be defined as our direction to our behavior or what causes us to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa. A motive is what prompts a person to act in a certain way or at least develop an inclination for specific behavior.