The teachers who have sense of education, who are able to
arose the strive and importance of knowledge in the
students, the people who already implement the basic ethics
of education in their lives and be the role models of their
students proudly, leads the new generation towards the
long-term benefits of becoming a nation.
2. No one should be condemned unheard? what does this mean?
under principles of Natural justice " Audi alterem partem"
denotes that no one should be condemned uneard. in
otherwords hear the other side, that means while
conducting domestic enquiry fair opportunity should be
given to the other side for submission of their case and
point of argument.
yes, as per the model standing orders on additional items
applicable to all industries appended to the Industrial
Employment and Standing Orders Act 1946, a workman may be
transfered according to the exigencies of work provided the
other conditions of service of the workman are not
adversely affected.
Whereas, in case of tranfer of services from one state to
another, either it should be a service condition or withthe
consent of the workmen and one should also follow:
(i) reasonable notice to the workmen follwed by reasonable
joining time is allowed in such cases of transfer.
4. What is MRTU & PULP Act, BIR Act?
Maharastra Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of
Unfair Labour Practices.
Bombay Industrial Relations Act.