1. What courses taken prior to enrolling in the dental hygiene program supported you in the program?

★ Anatomy and physiology (hands down)
★ The Science courses including A & P, Chemistry, Microbiology as well as Psychology, Speech and Communications were all very helpful and necessary.

2. What was the most difficult course or project for you?

Periodontics was the most difficult, due to the big picture aspect to the disease. I didn't really understand how it all came together until I got into the work force.Through experience I began to see patients who had health issues that affected their perio status.
Working with full blown perio cases brought it all together for me.

3. What was your favorite and most difficult class?

My favorite and most difficult classes were Histology/Embryology and oral pathology we had fun memorizing, questioning and doing a few projects. The most difficult thing for me was to work on group projects. And yes I survived group projects (not a fan of these). I can now admit that these were very beneficial when working with a small group or staff every day!

4. What gave you a tough time that you wish you would have received more help with?

★ More time with the ultrasonic would have been helpful.After four years of work I finally feel pretty effective with the ultrasonic. Also, sharpening the instrument was a challenge.I have worked very diligently to become proficient at this skill.
★ The two biggies for me are coding and scheduling as I had no prior dental experience.

5. Why did you choose hygiene as a profession?

★ I knew health care was one of the fastest growing career areas, good pay, flexible hours. I didn't expect to love the work as much as I do.
★ I wanted to be in a profession that I could apply my communication skills to teach people of all ages how to be healthier. Hygiene chose me!

6. What did you think dental hygiene was all about when you started school?

1: Cleaning teeth.
2: I thought it was all about teeth and gums!

7. What things surprised you once you were enrolled in the dental hygienist program?

1: The link between systemic health and oral condition.
2: The depth of study and many other subjects to be mastered in DH was amazing.

8. What do you wish someone would have told you before you started school?

★ Patient management would be a huge aspect of the daily workday. It takes all kinds to make the world go around and many of them will sit in you dental chair.
★ To clean every corner of my house and train my boys better because there was no looking back.

9. Share your memorable experiences?

★ Completing my class IV patient. It was very rewarding.
★ Wow every experience was one to remember.

10. What is the best way to brush?

Just because your teeth are made of hard enamel, it doesn't mean you should scrub them like you would a dirty pot.
Scrubbing that's too aggressive or a toothbrush that's too hard can harm gums and tooth enamel.
Brush for two minutes every time (half a minute for each quadrant of teeth), and use a soft-bristled toothbrush.

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11. When one should brush?

Ideally, you should brush after each meal or snack to quickly remove decay-causing, odor-emitting particles (like food) and bacteria from the tooth's surface.
If that seems impossible, aim for at least twice a day. Not brushing increases risk of cavities, bad breath, tooth decay and bone loss.

12. Can patient use an electric toothbrush?

Probably not. That basic, soft-bristled toothbrush will work just as well - if you use the right technique.

13. What is the right technique to brush?

Position your brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums. Move it back and forth across one quadrant in gentle, tooth-wide strokes. Brush the outside, inside and chewing surfaces of each tooth, focusing on one quadrant at a time.

14. What is tartar control?

If your teeth build up tartar quickly between dentist visits, this is a good option. But some tartar-control formulas can be too abrasive for teeth. If a toothpaste feels gritty when you rub it between your fingers, stay away.

15. What is the mean of whitening in toothpaste?

These brighten teeth but won't bleach them shades lighter. For that, you need whitening strips, trays with bleaching gel, or in-office treatments, such as Zoom 3 and Bright smile. Ask your dentist which is right for you.

16. What is sensitive tooth paste?

If you experience irritation or shooting pains when eating or brushing teeth, try a desensitizing toothpaste.

17. What is bad breath?

Bad breath is often a sign of bacteria in your mouth. Odor-causing bacteria can hide in gum tissue, tongue crevices and between teeth.

18. How to get rid of bad breath?

To stay minty-fresh, you must brush, floss and brush your tongue to get rid of those bacteria - especially in the morning.

19. Why is there bad breath especially in the morning?

During the day, we swallow about 2,000 times, which flushes out some bacteria. But at night we only swallow about 200 times, which leaves bad bacteria lingering in the mouth.

20. Tell me do I really have to floss?

Absolutely. Once a day.
It may feel like a chore, but it's essential for removing food particles and bacteria trapped between teeth that your toothbrush can't reach.

21. What happened if someone don't floss?

If you don't floss, you risk cavities, tooth decay and inflammation, the last of which can put you at risk for heart attack and stroke.

22. How to floss effectively?

★ Break off about 18 inches of floss, wind it around your fingers, then guide it gently between teeth.
★ When it reaches the gum line, curve it into a C-shape against one tooth and gently rub it up and down. (Never snap the floss in and out of gums.)
★ Repeat this on every tooth, including the back of the ones in the back of your mouth.

23. How to brighten the teeth?

A yellowed smile doesn't necessarily mean poor dental health. Tooth color is hereditary and affected by what we eat - everything from coffee and soda to berries and wine can stain it.

24. Should patient use mouthwash?

It's not necessary if you're brushing and flossing several times a day, unless you have tooth decay, in which case your dentist may prescribe a fluoride rinse.
But there's no harm in using a mouthwash for fresher breath. Swish it around after flossing and brushing to remove plaque and kill remaining bacteria.

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25. Tell me are other dental hygiene products necessary?

If you're taking care of the basics, everything else is just extra, but it still helps.