1. Explain me what Is Ceftriaxone?
A cephalosporin such as ceftriaxone is first-line treatment in patients with streptococcal meningitis. Benzylpenicillin would be more appropriate if Neisseria meningitidis was suspected.
2. Tell me why Doctors Should Learn Communication Skills?
Communication skills play a major role in developing patient-doctor relationship. And miscommunication could lead to clashes with relatives/friends of patients over care given to the latter.
3. Tell us what Is Terbutaline 10 Mg Nebulised?
In the management of asthma, patients should be sitting upright in bed and receiving 100% oxygen. Salbutamol is given at a dose of 5 mg nebulised, not 500 micrograms. Ipratropium bromide and steroids should then be considered.
Fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are benign smooth muscle tumors that occur in the uterus. They grow under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, and are thus seen in the reproductive years. By the age of 40, 40% of women have fibroids. African-American women may be prone to get symptomatic fibroids in their 20's. With menopause and the decrease in hormones, fibroids also decrease in size. The most common symptom from fibroids is abnormal bleeding. When fibroids grow, it can also cause pressure symptoms on the bladder, rectum or pelvis. There may be a genetic predisposition to having fibroids and multiple fibroids.
5. Suppose a 35 Year Second Gravida With Single Umbilical Artery And Ctev (club Foot)?
ctev is asso. with consanguity, oligohydroamnios, breech presentation and some cong. malformations. single umb. artery is ass. with increased risk for cong. malformation e.g. renal and cardiac. so screening should be done for other cong. malformation
6. Do you know what Is Venous Thrombosis?
There are numerous extra-gastrointestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease that occur in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, such as uveitis, conjunctivitis, arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum and erythema nodosum. Some occur primarily in Crohn's, such as gallstones and renal stones due to the area of bowel affected, while patients with ulcerative colitis are more likely to develop primary sclerosing cholangitis and venous thromboses.
7. Do you know what Is Anti-histone Antibody?
In drug-induced SLE anti-histone antibody is present in 90% of patients, although this is not specific for the condition. Anti-nuclear antibody is positive in 50% of patients as opposed to 95% of patients with idiopathic SLE.
8. Tell us what is your favorite area of women's healthcare to work in?
Tests the candidate's passion for women's health.
9. Explain me what Is C-reactive Protein?
In SLE the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is classically raised while C-reactive protein levels can stay normal and therefore CRP is also not as useful as the other investigations to monitor disease activity and progression.
10. Tell us can An Ovarian Cyst Be Normal?
During a woman's menstrual cycle, ovarian cyst formation is normal. These cysts are part of developing an egg to ovulate or to make hormones to support a potential early pregnancy, and are called functional cysts. These type of cysts should disappear with each cycle. I get worried that a cyst is abnormal if it persists for more than 2 cycles, if it is larger than 5 cm, or if it has unusual features such as a septum or solid elements. Sometimes a functional cyst can cause severe pain and internal bleeding if it should rupture internally. This is usually an emergent situation that requires immediate evaluation.
11. Explain me how Communication Skills Help Patient?
Once a patient begins developing trust in a doctor, the chances of him/her recovering increases as his/her confidence in the doctor goes up and s/he begins to believe that s/he can recover.
12. Tell me what do you do to stay current with medical findings and practices?
A good candidate is interested in the latest developments in medical research and patient care.
13. Explain me a situation where you displayed effective communication skills?
This is similar to the conflict question above. And in fact. It is perfectly okay to use the same example to answer more than one question.
Other typical situations to think about for this question, include complex patients and / or patients and families with communication challenges and / or patients and families who are upset with their care.
14. Can you explain me what Are The Parameters Of Life-threatening Asthma?
Peak expiratory flow rate of < 33% of best or predicted, Silent chest, Exhaustion, Hypotension, Bradycardia, Coma, Rising PaCO2 13) What are the parameters for diagnosing a severe asthma attack are, Peak expiratory flow rate of between 30% and 50% of expected ? Respiratory rate greater than 25 breaths/minute –> Tachycardia: heart rate > 100 beats per minute
Inability to complete sentences with one breath
15. Explain me what Is Bendroflumethiazide?
Treatment of hypercalcaemia can include fluid rehydration, loop diuretics, bisphosphonates, steroids, salmon calcitonin and chemotherapy.
In clinical practice intravenous fluids are the first-line agent used to treat hypercalcaemia, both rehydrating the patient and helping to lower the calcium levels. This is combined with the co-administration of bisphosphonates such as pamidronate, which exert their maximal effect 5-7 days after administration.
16. Can you explain me how Doctor Treat Patients?
Physicians treat patients by diagnosing them, or figuring out what is wrong. When Physicians diagnose a patient, they begin by asking questions about the patient's symptoms such as fever, headache, or stomach ache. They may ask other questions about things like past illnesses or family members who have been sick. They will then examine the patient, often looking at different parts of the body and listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope.
Sometimes they may need to collect blood, use an x-ray machine, or use other tools to look for things they cannot see when examining the patient. Usually, when they have gathered enough information, a doctor can make a diagnosis and then prescribe a treatment. Often they prescribe drugs.
17. Tell us who Is A Specialists Doctor?
Some doctors specialise in a certain kind of medicine. These physicians are called specialists. They may only treat injuries to a certain part of the body, or only treat patients who have certain diseases. For example, there are physicians who specialise in diseases of the stomach or intestines. Other physicians are “general practitioners” or “family practitioners”. This means that they do a little bit of everything. They try to deal with as much of a patient's health problems as they can without sending them to a specialist. A doctor who performs surgery is called a surgeon.
18. Tell me is There An Ovarian Tumor With Hair And Teeth?
Dermoid cysts, also known as mature cystic teratomas, are the commonest ovarian tumor. They occur primarily in the reproductive years, but can also occur in children. The tumor has all three germ layers that are seen in the body - ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. As such, the tumor has fat, hair and teeth in it. Teratomas sometimes can be very organized and appear to form fetal-like tissues. Dermoids are bilateral 15-20 percent of the time. Treatment is surgical removal prior to torsion or rupture.
19. If A Patient Have Abnormal Blood On His Underwear How You Deal?
Abnormal bleeding can have many different causes, but you have provided some valuable information. First, we have to clarify where exactly the bleeding is coming from. While vaginal bleeding is perhaps the most likely, both the urinary tract and the GI tract can also be a source of bleeding. Either of those would have different causes and explanations, with infections and small sources of bleeding such as hemorrhoids being among the most common reasons for abnormal or untimely bleeding.
With regards to vaginal bleeding, there is a clue that is suggested by the fact that the blood is bright red in color. In general, this can reflect fresher blood that has not started to be broken down. It may also suggest blood that is coming from a source further down the vaginal tract, although that is not necessarily true. There are different conditions that can affect the vaginal or uterine lining and are common explanations for symptoms such as you describe. There are also tumors that can result in abnormal bleeding, and these tumors can be both benign and malignant.
20. Tell me what Are The Side-effects Of Magnesium Sulphate Therapy?
☛ Nausea
☛ Vomiting
☛ Thirst
☛ Flushing of skin
☛ Muscle weakness
☛ Loss of deep tendon reflexes
☛ Respiratory depression
☛ Confusion, drowsiness, coma
☛ Hypotension
☛ Arrhythmias.
21. Tell us how do you balance medical needs and emotional needs?
Shows emotional intelligence.
22. Explain me have you had experience diagnosing and treating postpartum depression?
Tests the candidate's experience with mental health issues for women.
23. Explain me a situation where there was conflict between yourself and another member of a team?
This question is a big but avoidable trap. You can avoid it by being prepared for it and having an example. Again. The STAR method is your friend and the key here is to be able to demonstrate that you managed the conflict to a point where you were at least able to have a good ongoing working relationship with your colleague.
Its important to not only describe the situation and the conflict. But also take the panel through the steps you took in terms of your communication and collaboration to work with your colleague on the conflict and how you showed respect to them.
24. Tell me is There A Screening Test For Ovarian Cancer?
To qualify as a screening test, the test has to be sensitive enough to pick up the disease in its early stages. It has to be specific, so other conditions do not trigger the test to be positive. It has to be cost efficient, so that trying to find the disease does not cost more than the treatment of the disease. Unfortunately, no such test is available for ovarian cancer currently. CA-125, an ovarian cancer antigen, was thought to be a possible screening tool. CA-125 is elevated in women with a known ovarian cancer, and is used to monitor progression or regression of the tumor. It is not sensitive enough to pick up ovarian cancer at Stage I disease, and can be positive in non-cancerous conditions like endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and fibroids.
25. Explain me why Do In Some Cases Patients Feel Chest, Neck And Hands Flush?
Certainly the thought of carcinoid syndrome is something that crosses the mind in hearing about your symptoms. That is, however, a rather rare process that would be unusual for most people to have. In such a situation, it is good to describe your symptoms and your concerns to your doctor so that he or she can test for the possibility of something as serious or as rare as that condition. There are many other possible explanations, however, many of which are much more common.
It is not unusual for some people to have changes of flushing and some of the other feelings that you describe when they are in stressful or unusual situations. Some of this can sometimes be understood in context of the response that some people have to loud noises or fright, ie, they can faint. This reaction is one extreme on the spectrum of a vagal reaction that can occur in some. On a less extreme note, other can have some of the same symptoms you describe without having something as notable as a syncopal episode. There are often things that can be done to help.
26. Tell me have you ever disagreed with a doctor about a patient's care plan? What did you do?
Tests conflict resolution skills.
Commonest cause is constitutional delay. There are, however, causes such as ovarian and adrenal tumours that are potentially life-threatening and the presence of dysgenetic gonads with malignant potential.
It may or maynot be any symptom of ovarian Ca, or fiberus formation of the uterus or any other complications. So better she go for hysteroscopy, and blood study for any infestations of micro organism. check the platelet level in blood, and WBC count and BT,CT .
Her age is abow 50. so in this age there is less chance menstuation.
The most common cause of fistula was trauma associated with pelvic operation, and the operation most often involved was total abdominal hysterectomy.
Malignant disease of the pelvic organs was the second most common cause, while radiation therapy and obstetrical causes were next in the order of frequency.
because of the age of the woman, it will be too dificult to countinue the pregnancy. Other than the multiple pregnancy, She have only one plasenta for bothe child. so better she can do LSCS at the onset of labour. Tell the posibilty and de merits of the LSCS to the PT.
Tests the candidate's knowledge and diagnostic capabilities.
32. Explain a time when you were able to console an emotional patient. How did you do it?
Shows compassion.
33. If Patient Have Unbearable Neck To Shoulder Pain Only While On His Period. What Could It Be?
This is a somewhat interesting phenomenon that will take more visits to your doctor to help explain. Your OB/GYN is likely a good place to start, as he or she will be best positioned to help sort out the hormonal element to your symptoms. Another option might be a neurologist or spine surgeon, either of which may be able to help with your symptoms at the level of your neck. An ear nose and throat surgeon may offer some other insight that could be helpful.
Which ever you choose, the approach to your problem will likely be different. Primary care and medical doctors are more likely to use lab work and your symptoms to help arrive at an answer, and may use medications empirically to see what helps to make you better. A surgeon, on the other hand, is more likely to listen to your symptoms, complete an exam, and recommend imaging and other anatomic studies that can help to determine what is causing your symptoms. The pain may have a component of something that changes on a monthly basis with your menstrual cycle. This could be a swelling, or even something as simple as a change in the blood flow.
34. Explain me should I Continue To Have A Pelvic Exam Each Year If I Have Had A Hysterectomy?
Women should have a yearly physical exam by a physician which includes a pelvic exam and breast exam beginning in their late teens and early twenties. All women should have their cholesterol checked every 3 to 5 years. A yearly mammogram is essential after age 40. Women over 50 need a screening colonoscopy every 5 years. There are different opinions concerning whether women should have a pap smear every year after hysterectomy. You should discuss your individual medical history with your doctor before deciding whether you should continue to get a pap smear after hysterectomy
It is not normal for pain to become so severe and fail to respond in any way to conservative therapy, and so your doctor should discuss this with you in more detail to make sure that there is nothing serious that is causing your symptoms. Neck and muscle spasms can be common in some people with a history of c spine injury or trauma, and can be severe and debilitating. They should not be a new onset symptom for most people, however, unless you have had some precipitating event.
Massage and things to help the muscles relax is often a great idea to help with some of the mild aches and pains that we can have from time to time, and the fact that you had no improvement is worrisome. Your doctor may entertain other possible explanations for this pain in addition to trauma and misuse injuries. He or she may decide it is important to get some imaging and complete a physical exam looking for things that might be amiss. Shooting pain can be a concern for nerve injury.