* A. Uncoating
* B. Virion Assembly
* C. Release by budding
* D. Adsorption
* E. Production of mRNA
Correct Answer: D
2. A cytolytic virus would be expected to cause cytopathic effect in cell culture?
* A. True
* B. False
Correct Answer: A
3. All of the following are true statements regarding viruses EXCEPT?
* A. They contain both RNA and DNA
* B. The nucleic acid may be single or double stranded
* C. They are obligate intracellular parasites
* D. They reproduce using host cell energy
* E. The infectious particle is called a virion
Correct Answer: A
* A. True
* B. False
Correct Answer: B
5. All of the following are syndromes associated with enteroviruses EXCEPT?
* A. Conjuctivitis
* B. Coronary artery disease
* C. Myocarditis
* D. Pericarditis
* E. Pleuritis
Correct Answer: B
6. The following statements are clearly true about enteroviruses EXCEPT?
* A. There are many serotypes
* B. They can cause a variety of diseases which imitate bacterial infection
* C. They are an important cause of meningitis
* D. They are an important cause of diarrhea
Correct Answer: D
7. Enteroviruses are most closely related to which of the following viruses?
* A. Herpes simplex
* B. Hepatitis C
* C. Hepatitis A
* D. Rotavirus
* E. Rubella
Correct Answer: C
8. Foscarnet interacts with which of the following viral enzymes?
* A. Pyrophosphate-binding site of the polymerase
* B. Protease
* C. Nucleoside reductase
* D. Reverse transcriptase
Correct Answer: A
* A. Cleaves polyprotein precursor leading to functional assembly of viral core
* B. Cleaves sialic acid residue from glycoprotein permitting attachment and entry into cell
* C. Transcribes RNA into DNA
* D. Activates 2', 5' oligoadenylate synthetase
Correct Answer: C
* A. Few drug targets, toxicity problematic
* B. Sensitivity tests of limited value
* C. Toxicity a minor problem, multiple enzymatic targets
* D. Many more drug options are available to treat viral infections
Correct Answer: A
* A. drug allergy
* B. antimetabolic effect on host cells due to lack of specificity for viral enzymes
* C. rate of development of drug resistance
* D. drug-drug interactions associated with competition for cytochrome P450 enzymes
Correct Answer: C
12. Serologic conversion to a positive test for HIV infection occurs?
* A. In 2-3 days
* B. In 3-4 weeks
* C. In 3-6 months
* D. May take up to 10 years
Correct Answer: B
13. One of the characteristics of HIV infection is that?
* A. The virus multiplies slowly with a half-life of weeks matching the slow rate of disease progression
* B. There is rapid dissemination of virus within the first few weeks of infection to all tissues
* C. In early infection the virus is most actively multiplying within the bloodstream
* D. There is little if any immune response to HIV infection, and that is why this infection is so overwhelming
Correct Answer: B
* A. 1 in 500
* B. 1 to 5 %
* C. 20 to 25%
* D. 50 to 75%
Correct Answer: C
* D. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
16. A major characteristic of hepatitis C is?
* A. It is transmitted by eating raw oysters
* B. It is highly likely to cause chronic ongoing infection
* C. Most patients have severe symptoms when first infected
* D. It is a DNA virus
Correct Answer: B
* A. Hepatitis A
* B. Hepatitis B
* C. Hepatitis C
* D. Hepatitis A and B
Correct Answer: B
18. Hepatitis A can be transmitted by?
* A. Changing diapers on an infected baby
* B. Having sex with someone who is infected
* C. Eating cooked meat
* D. Needle sticks injuries from infected patients
Correct Answer: A
19. Common symptoms of hepatitis include?
* A. Fever, nausea, diarrhea
* B. Malaise, anorexia, jaundice
* C. Nausea, vomiting, right upper quadrant abdominal pain
* D. Clear urine, dark colored stools, anorexia
Correct Answer: B
20. The most frequent cause of viral meningitis in the United States is?
* A. Enteroviruses
* B. Rhabdoviruses
* C. California/Lacrosse virus
* D. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
Correct Answer: A
21. Rabies virus produces infection of?
* A. Astrocytes
* B. Oligodendrocytes
* C. Neurons
* D. Macrophages
Correct Answer: C
22. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is caused by?
* A. JC virus
* B. Pumuula virus
* C. Prions
* D. SV40 virus
Correct Answer: C
23. Rabies reaches the central nervous system by?
* A. Hematogenous distribution
* B. Neurotropic spread
* C. Entry into brain within macrophages
* D. Both "A" and "B"
Correct Answer: B
* A. Excitotoxic injury of neurons
* B. Development of dengue virus meningiits
* C. Immune enhancement of infection
* D. Neurotropic spread of virus
Correct Answer: C
25. The major pathological features in Yellow Fever include?
* A. Midzonal hepatic necrosis and Councilman Bodies
* B. Midzonal hepatic necrosis and Negri bodies
* C. Glomerular and renal papillary necrosis
* D. Midzonal hepatic necrosis and diffuse encephalitis
Correct Answer: A
26. The major groups of arthropod-borne viruses include?
* A. Togaviruses, Flaviviruses, and Bunyaviruses,
* B. Togaviruses, Rhabdoviruses, Reoviruses
* C. Reoviruses, Enteroviruses, Rhabdoviruses
* D. Retroviruses, Enteroviruses, Togaviruses
Correct Answer: A
* A. It is also called the oriental liver fluke
* B. Man is a definitive host
* C. This infection can best be treated with surgical removal of the gallbladder
* D. There are two intermediate hosts - the snail and the fish
* E. Long-term infection has been associated with cholangiocarcinoma (cancer of the bile duct)
Correct Answer: C
* A. in risk areas, don't swim in fresh water rivers or lakes
* B. Swimming in chlorinated pools is safe
* C. Swimming in ocean salt water is safe
* D. Toweling off vigorously after contact with potentially contaminated water decreases your risk
* E. Wading in water up to your knees is safe for brief periods of time
Correct Answer: E
* A. The diagnosis in humans can be made by looking for the eggs in human stool
* B. Dogs are the definitive host
* C. Sheep are intermediate hosts
* D. Humans are incidental hosts
* E. Humans contract disease from eating the eggs excreted in dog feces
Correct Answer: A
* A. It has an armed scolex
* B. It has fewer uterine branches than T. saginata
* C. Man can be infected as an intermediate host by eating the eggs from T. solium
* D. The cyst or larvae form ingested from pork is more potent than the cyst from beef
* E. It produces more eggs than T. saginata
Correct Answer: C
* A. Avoid swimming in fresh waters that are endemic for Diphyllobothrium latum
* B. Cook freshwater fish well before eating
* C. Freeze fish that is going to be consumed raw which will kill the parasite
* D. Provide sewage treatment plants that treat raw sewage before dumping it into fresh water
* E. Avoid eating fresh water fish
Correct Answer: A
* A. Most infected humans are asymptomatic
* B. Large numbers of larvae passing through the lung can cause asthma type symptoms
* C. Large numbers of adult worms in the gut can cause obstruction
* D. The fertilized unembryonated egg passed in the stool requires a period of time to embryonate before it becomes infectious
* E. Heavy infection has been associated with rectal prolapse
Correct Answer: E
* A. Strongyloides is a common cause of iron deficiency anemia just like hookworm
* B. The initial infection occurs when larvae penetrate the skin from the soil
* C. Auto infection occurs when the ova hatch and mature in the intestinal tract and then penetrate the intestine to establish a persistent infection
* D. Eosinophilia is present during the migrating phase of the life cycle
* E. Recurrent bacterial infections can develop when bacteria are carried by the larvae into sterile areas of the body
Correct Answer: A
* A. Wearing shoes
* B. Washing hands after using the bathroom
* C. Using latrines for defecation
* D. Treating those found to be infected
* E. Establishing sewage treatment facilities
Correct Answer: B
* A. Heavy infestations may result in diarrhea sometimes associated with blood
* B. Light infections may be asymptomatic
* C. The eggs have a barrel-like appearance with bipolar plugs
* D. After ingestion the eggs hatch into larvae that migrate through the lung before maturing in the duodenum
* E. Eggs passed in stool are unembryonated, so they require a time to mature in the soil before they become infectious
Correct Answer: D