e. medial pterygoid
b. muscles of the tongue
b. maxillary division
5. which bone contains the superior orbital fissure?
a. maxilla
b. temporal
c. occipital
d. sphenoid
d. sphenoid
e. coronoid process of the mandible
d. inferior alveolar
d. mandibular second
b. incisive foramen
c. lateral incisors and canine
b. left atrium from the ventricle
a. opposite the maxillary second molars
c. submental to submandibular to deep cervical
c. maxillary canine
a. maxillary first
23. What does ALARA stand for?
As Low As Reasonably Achievable
c. negative cathode
a. when atoms lose electrons; they become deficient in negative charges and therefore behave as postively charged atoms
b. the patient's left is on your right