Human myeloid leukemia cell line
2. How B cell hybridomass are formed?
They are formed by the fusion of antigen primed B cells with cancerous plasma cells.
3. Name the assay method for insulin in serum.
5. Name the assay method for compliment component C3 on glomerullar basement membrane.
6. Name the assay method for IgG in serum.
The method is ELISA.
7. What does the following sentence means? T cell is said to be class I restricted.
It means that they can recognize the antigen, which is, associated with class I MHC molecules.
8. Describe major events in the inflammatory response.
The following are the major events in the inflammatory response:
The diameter of the capillaries increases in the affected region and their permeability, which facilitates influx of white blood cells.
Secondary immune response requires an amplified population of memory cells. Response is more rapid compared to primary immune response.
10. Give an example for alloantigen
Blood group antigens are alloantigens.
11. What is the other name of isoantigen?
The other name is Alloantigen.
It is produced only by some members of a species but not the others. These are capable of eliciting immune response in the individuals that lack the antigen.
It is a bacterial gene, that code for lac operon- repressor protein.
This is a technique to determine the presence of an antigen by the reaction of labeled antibodies to the antigen. This is done after separating the antigens according to the size or charge by gel electrophoresis.
Labeling molecules by the use of antibodies bound to another molecule that serves as labels for an antigen antibody complex.
The nucleotide sequence present between exons of a gene. They can be removed by the process of splicing.
Exon is a region of a gene that contains coding sequences for a “polypeptide”.
Neutralization of toxin by antibodies
19. What is the host defense mechanism shown if the infection is through invasion of host tissues?
Antibody mediated agglutination.
20. What is the host defense mechanism shown if the infection is through proliferation?
Phagocytosis compliment mediated lysis localized inflammatory response.
21. What is the host defense mechanism shown if an attachment is made to host cell?
Blockage of attachment by secretory IgA antibodies
Cell mediated immune response.
Activity: Kills virus infected cells by ADCC.
23. What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecule cytotoxic T cells?
Cell mediated immune response.
Activity: Kills virus infected self-cells.
Cell mediated immune response.
Mediated opsonization
27. What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule IgG, IgM?
Enhances phagocytosis by opsonization
28. What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecules IgG, IgM and IgA?
Blocks fusion of viral envelope to the cell plasma membrane
29. What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule IgA?
Blocks binding of virus to host cells, thus preventing infection
30. What is the mechanism of host defense in trypanosomiasis?
Opsonises for phagocytosis
31. What is the mechanism of host defense in chagas disease?
Lysis in presence of compliment
32. What is the mechanism of host defense in leishmaniasis?
Restrict the spread of disease.
33. What is the mechanism of host defense in malaria?
Blocks invasion and opsonises for phagocytosis
34. Name the parasite, which causes sleeping sickness or trypanosomiasis?
Trypanosoma rhodense, Trypanosoma gambiense
35. Name the parasite, which causes chagas disease?
It is Trypanosoma cruzi.