1. What is ballet?

a theatrical performance of a story by trained dancers
People vulnerable to back pain should avoid activities that put undue stress on the lower back or require sudden twisting movements, such as football, golf, ballet, and weight lifting.

2. What is twisting?

marked by repeated turns and bends
People vulnerable to back pain should avoid activities that put undue stress on the lower back or require sudden twisting movements, such as football, golf, ballet, and weight lifting.

3. Tell us why would you be a good fit to work here?

When this question gets asked, this is your chance to have a great closing remark. The hiring manager is looking for confirmation that you would be a good fit with their team and patients. Explain how you'd fit with the team and highlight your team first attitude.

4. Please explain where do you see yourself in five years time?

A great answer is to say that you still want to work as a physio–becasue that is what you want to do, enjoy doing, and are good at. Alternatively you can say that you want to specialize in certain therapy methods, or you can focus on some goals from your personal life. The main goal is to show them that they can count on you in a long run, that you do not plan to change your career in next five years…

5. What is improving?

getting higher or more vigorous
Specific and regular exercise under the guidance of a trained professional is important for reducing pain and improving function, although patients often find it difficult to maintain therapy.

6. Tell us what has been the most challenging case you've dealt with?

This question might not be as common as the ones listed above. However, when asked to describe a challenge many physical therapists get hung up. You are prepared to talk about the good times that sometimes you don't prepare to answer the questions that relate to challenges. Even if you don't get asked this direct question during the interview, it's a good one to have your answer ready.

7. What is tightening?

the act of making something tighter
Hold for 3 seconds while tightening the abdominal muscles.

8. Please explain about a time a patient struggled and how you handled the situation?

This answer can explain how the candidate interacts with patients, including when things get difficult. Did the physical therapist alter their treatment plan? Did they change communication techniques? Understanding how the candidate interacts with patients can help determine if they'll be a good fit for the facility. What to look for in an answer:

Compassionate approach to patients
Flexibility in treatment planning and communication
Ability to encourage patients to continue toward success

9. Tell me what makes you happy about being a physical therapist?

This question should be one that gets you out of your chair ready to answer. What makes you happy about being a PT? You should be able to nail this question. But be prepared. You don't want this answer to drag on too much. This is a great question for your hiring manger to get to know you on a personal level.

10. What are your strengths and weaknesses as Physical Therapist?

Responsibility, attention to detail, and communications skills are a good choice for your strengths. When it comes to weaknesses, you can say that you are sometimes over sympathetic, and struggle to forget your job in your personal life. Alternatively you can pick a weakness that does not matter for physios–weak management skills, lack of computer skills, etc.

11. What is disability?

when one cannot perform due to physical or mental unfitness
In this way, the positive benefits of exercise not only affect strength and flexibility but also alter and improve patients' attitudes toward their disability and pain.

12. Tell us are you comfortable delegating work?

As a Physical Therapist, there may be a time that you have to delegate work to your co-workers. Tell the interviewer about a time that you had successful communications with your co-workers and were able to delegate work to get the job done. Talk about the teamwork you and your co-workers have and how you help each other out with delegated duties.

13. Explain me how do you motivate patients?

This is a great question to showcase your interpersonally skills and how you connect with your patients. When asked this question, it is a good time to tell a story of a time you motivated a patient and the results they received.

14. Tell us how do you measure success when working with a patient?

While there are objective measures of success with patients, a physical therapist may have additional metrics that they use. This answer can provide insight into the candidate's attitude toward their chosen field and working with patients. It can also help you understand how strictly a potential hire will adhere to policies versus adapting to a patients unique needs and individual goals. What to look for in an answer:

Discusses previous work with patients
Presence of compassion and caring when setting goals
Adaptability of candidate's approach to each individuals needs

15. Please explain about a situation where you showed a great deal of patience?

As a Physical Therapist, you display patience every day with your patients as well as with other medical staff. Tell the interviewer about times that your patience is tested and what situations you find yourself being patient in most. Be sure to tell the interviewer that when your patience is tested you handle it calmly and with a smile.

16. What is vulnerable?

capable of being wounded or hurt
People vulnerable to back pain should avoid activities that put undue stress on the lower back or require sudden twisting movements, such as football, golf, ballet, and weight lifting.

17. What is repetition?

the act of doing or performing again
Repetition is the key to increasing flexibility, building endurance, and strengthening the specific muscles needed to support and neutralize the spine.

18. What are the latest trends in physical therapy as Physical Therapist?

Rehab robotics, water therapy, putting emphasis of on mental part of rehabilitation, transitional care, inclusion of proper diet and daily regime as a part of rehab–these are just some of the latest trends. Check your favorite vocational magazine or website to find more recent trends.

19. Please explain why do you want to work as a physical therapist?

The answer to this question can help you better understand the physical therapist's mindset about the position and their career path. Since physical therapy is part of the health care and service industry, it's beneficial for potential hires to have a compassionate nature and desire to help others. Applicants who approach the job as being a way to aid people as they heal may also be more likely to stay longer compared to those who are only after a paycheck. What to look for in an answer:

Demonstrates compassion
Desire to help and care for others
Comfortable working one-on-one with patients

20. Tell us why should we hire you, and not one of the other applicants for this job?

Here you can do a few things. One of them is betting on humility, saying that you believe other applicants are also skilled and ready to handle the job, and that you'd leave the decision on the interviewers. Humility is a highly-sought quality in today's employment market, and this answer can do wonders for you… Another alternative is pointing out some skills and strengths, or perhaps your experience that helps you to stand out.

21. What is psychological?

mental or emotional as opposed to physical in nature
Exercise may also be effective when combined with a psychological and motivational program, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.

22. Please explain what is mobility?

the quality of moving freely
Generally, these exercises attempt to strengthen the abdomen, improve lower back mobility, strength, and endurance, and enhance flexibility in the hip, the hamstring muscles, and the tendons at the back of the thigh.

23. What is limitation?

an act of restricting (as by regulation)
Professionals who understand the limitations and special needs of back pain, and can address individual health conditions, should guide this program.

24. Tell us what is one area in which you want or need more education or training?

This answer can help identify potential weaknesses a candidate may have, demonstrate their self-awareness of their shortcomings and show what they're willing to do to overcome them in order to be successful. Recognizing that they need additional education and training shows a desire to continue learning, which can make them stronger physical therapists. What to look for in an answer:

Self-awareness of any weaknesses
Willingness to continue learning
Desire to overcome shortcomings in order to achieve greater success

26. What is gymnastic?

of or relating to or used in exercises intended to develop strength and agility
Medical research has shown that pregnant women who engaged in a water gymnastics program have less back pain and are able to continue working longer.

27. What is fluid?

continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow
At that time, the disks are more fluid-filled and more vulnerable to pressure from this movement.

28. Tell us what excites you the most about being a Physical Therapist?

This question is being asked to see your level of excitement during the interview. Tell the interviewer how being a Physical Therapist is very rewarding. You work with patients one-on-one, see them progress through treatment and know that you are really making a difference in their lives. Whether your patient's problem is a result of injury or disease your role is to foster the patient's return to maximal function. Talk about your current experience or where you see the career field going in the future. Be upbeat and positive and you'll be sure to knock this one out of the park.

29. Explain me something more about your experience?

You should mention all therapy methods and treatments you have experience with. If you achieved something great in your last job, for example helping someone to overcome a seemingly hopeless situation (helping them to recover their full range of movement, or fitness), you can narrate this story in an interview. Everyone loves stories, and the HR managers will remember your answer better when it is a story.

31. What is toned?

having or distinguished by a tone; often used in combination
Patients should avoid exercises that put the lower back under pressure until the back muscles are well toned.

32. What is SBQC?

Small Base Quad Cane (Also Known As a Narrow Base Quad Cane (Nbqc))

33. Explain me what is your greatest strength as a Physical Therapist?

This is one of the most common questions asked during an interview so you need to have your answer memorized. To determine your strengths, think of the job- related skills that others compliment you on. Are you a patient person? Good listener? Provide amazing customer service? Have a great clinical skill?

35. Please explain how do you set expectations and provide status updates to patients and their family members?

This is a question where you can really highlight your organizational and communicational skills. Talk about how you communicate when working in a fast environment and with many patients.