10. Which of the following Indian company has been listed at the top in Global-500 list?

SBI is the only Indian Bank to find place in the "Fortune Global 500" list. 380th place in 2008

Company Rank-2008
1 Indian Oil 116
2 Reliance Industries 206
3 Bharat Petroleum 287
4 Hindustan Petroleum 290
5 Tata Steel 315
6 Oil & Natural Gas 335
7 State Bank of India 380

Company Rank-2009
1 Indian Oil 105
2 Tata Steel 258
3 Reliance Industries 264
4 Bharat Petroleum 289
5 Hindustan Petroleum 311
6 State Bank of India 363
7 Oil & Natural Gas 402

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13. Report of the Sachar Committee is related with?

Social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community

15. CARTOSAT-2A is?

Earth observing satellite in a sunsynchronous orbit

22. What is Guantanamo?

A military prison of U.S.A.

It is a bay located in Guantmo Province at the southeastern end of Cuba (19?54′N 75?9′W / 19.9?N 75.15?W / 19.9; -75.15). It is the largest harbor on the south side of the island and is surrounded by steep hills creating an enclave cut off from its immediate hinterland.

24. What is Deep Fritz?

A commercially available ches computer program

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