1. Can I renegotiate salary later?
You can take the job offer and try to make some improvement after joining the company. There might be an option to increase your salary down the road. The company does not know your real value yet. Prove your worth and leave some room for a salary increase later. Therefore, as your last move, ask that the salary be renegotiated a couple of months after starting. Verify that they include this term in your job contract.
2. What are the salary limits?
Every company has its limits and it is possible that some other candidates are still in the picture. When it comes to limits, you just want to touch their upper limit.
Hence, insist on a salary increase when you feel that the power key is in your hands. Again, it may be cheaper for them to increase your salary than keep looking for candidates.
3. Can I mention that I have other choices?
Competition is great if you actually have another job offer or you want to play a risky game. Depending on the case, and without telling exact numbers, you can hint (carefully) that you have other choices. They have 3 alternatives: an improved job offer, staying cool or if you annoyed them - the game is over.
4. Do you know how much salary you're worth?
First thing to do is to look up salary surveys online in your local area. You may also ask friends and colleges. Find the right time to tell them during an offer interview about the market average salaries for your position. They probably know these numbers. Now, the deal becomes transparent and more importantly -with every hand revealed!
5. Would you consider taking less pay than you made in your last job?
I would really need to know more about the opportunity and your whole package before I can give you and answer to that question. You may offer extra perks that my last job may not have had - or vice versa. Basically, I need more information before I decide.
6. What salary are you/were you making at your last job?
It would be very difficult for me to compare my last salary with this position for various reasons - primarily because I don't have enough information about your whole package. I'm sure we can discuss this subject and your entire package before an offer is made.
7. What salary range would you require to take this job?
Based on my previous experience and education and the 'going rate' for this type of position, I would like to be in the mid to high 70s. Is that a range that fit with your compensation structure.(Give an acceptable range)
8. Tell me what do you expect in the way of salary?
I'm sure when the time comes and I know more about the facts of the position and how it fits into the bigger picture, we can come to a mutually agreeable figure.
9. Tell me will there be a sign-on bonus?
If they say no, your response is, "OK, I'm just asking." Just because the pay isn't negotiable doesn't mean other aspects of the job aren't. Ask for flextime, telecommuting or anything else that's important to you.
Once the salary offer is revealed, it never hurts to ask if they'll put more money on the table. If they say no, you can move on to negotiate other items.
11. Should salary figures have in mind?
As an aside, remember that you should not disclose the amount you have in mind at the outset. It is only further on in the meeting that you will get a clearer picture of the responsibilities and get more information about the job. If you quote a lower salary at the beginning and wish to increase your previous quote as the interview progresses, it will be very difficult or even simply impossible.
12. When to discussed about salary?
An early question about the salary will not only mean coming across as immature but will also convey the idea that you are more interested in the money than the job. Therefore, the best idea is to ask or talk about the salary only when the interviewer speaks about the salary. This will not only mean that you are being considered for the job, but also that the interviewer is serious about the entire job interview process.
13. Does flexibility effect salary?
Some companies have more flexibility than others.
Some offer flex hours. Some allow you to work part time from your home office. How will this job and the flexibility or lack of flexibility affect your lifestyle.
14. How much one should believe on hisself?
Whatever tactic you find you have to use to achieve the salary you desire, you must always believe in yourself.
Put your cards on the table but always with the end game in mind and never self doubt yourself.
Pay attention to how the company presents the salary offer to you.
When your potential boss or the interviewer give you a salary figure, give an acknowledging nod so they know you are considering it, but don't say a word. If the company is presenting a low ball offer in those minutes of silence that offer may go up considerably.
16. How to emphasize your skills?
Be sure to brag a little.
After all you have many skills and accomplishments that can save the company money in increased productivity, possession of valuable knowledge, and a benefit to the entire team. These skills should translate into a higher salary.
17. Can I be the first to bring up the salary discussion?
You shouldn't be the first to bring up the salary discussion.
If they don't seem to be moving in that direction then try to start the dialogue by telling them you are looking for a fulfilling career with an acceptable compensation package. Hopefully they bite.
18. How to understand your true worth?
Consider what it is you will be doing and what type of responsibility lies on your shoulders.
Are you in demand by other companies? Use this to your advantage, but don't get too over confident because it can backfire. Is it a powerful position your salary should reflect this.
19. How to put on your poker face negotiate pay raise?
Don't let the potential employer know what you are thinking is the right amount of money for the position.
On the application forms leave it blank. You need to make it to the interview stage and then on to the offer stage without anyone feeling you are asking too much in the way of salary.
20. Will my research is Important to negotiate pay raise?
Take time to learn about the pay scale of the hiring company.
You should also learn what the industry average is. In some work environments the union limits employer salary flexibility no matter how much post secondary education you have. To negotiate salary you need to know what your expectations are and what the minimum salary is you will accept.
21. What are the right salary negotiation tactics?
1: Preparation
2: Presentation
3: Attitude
Whether you get the salary you want has a lot to do with your attitude, and how much effort you put into the preparation of the presentation.
You really can negotiate salary all the while making the employer feel like he/she is getting the best deal and the best value for their money.
22. Explain some comprehensive benefit package?
☛ Bonuses
☛ Child and day-care services
☛ Company car
☛ Cost-of-living adjustments
☛ Desirable office
☛ Education and training programs
☛ Expense accounts
☛ Flexible work schedule
☛ Parental leave
☛ Parking
☛ Professional membership dues
☛ Profit sharing plans
☛ Relocation payments
☛ Retirement plans
☛ Savings plans
☛ Special equipment (i.e. laptop computer)
☛ Stock Options
☛ Supplementary pay plans
☛ Termination agreement (severance pay)
☛ Unpaid leave time
23. Explain those benefits that some companies give to their employs?
In addition to salary, take into consideration the employee benefit plan when evaluating an offer made by a company. In today's job market many employee benefits are considered standard they come with the job and are not subject to negotiation. However, an increasing number of employers are offering flexible benefit packages, which allow employees a variety of choices regarding their benefits. Most entry-level employees can expect a basic benefit package consisting of:
☛ Health insurance
☛ Dental insurance
☛ Disability insurance
☛ Life insurance
☛ Paid vacation time
☛ Paid sick leave
24. Tell me how can one handle questions about salary during an interview?
Summarize the requirements of the position as you understand them, and then ask the interviewer for the normal salary range in his/her company for that type of position. On the job application, respond to this question with "negotiable."
25. Are salaries really negotiable?
Yes, and no. The degree to which a salary is negotiable depends on the position, the manager, the organization, your perceived value, and the state of the job market. Most entry-level positions have set salaries that are subject to very little if any negotiation, perhaps a few hundred dollars of negotiating room. Mid-level positions typically have salary ranges of between 10 and 20 percent (i.e., a job paying $35,000 a year may have a salary range between $31,500 and $38,500). Employers will negotiate within the range, but will rarely exceed it unless you are an exceptional candidate. Most state and federal government jobs have rigid, non-negotiable salary scales based on education and experience. In general, higher-level management and executive positions offer the greatest opportunities for negotiation. In any case, never accept an offer in the interview. Express your strong interest, but state that you always think over decisions of this magnitude. Tell your interviewer when you'll contact him or her with your decision.
26. How to find out the market salary range?
Uncovering salary information is not as difficult as it may seem:
☛ Use job listings which indicate salaries for related positions
☛ Ask your friends, networking contacts, and other job seekers
☛ Contact professional associations in your field of interest
☛ Explore salary resources of the chamber of commerce in your region
☛ Call employment agencies or executive search firms
☛ Review business and trade publications
27. Explain the fundamentals of salary negotiation?
☛ Determine the market rate salary range for this type of position in this particular Industry.
☛ Prepare a budget to determine your financial needs.
☛ Decide, before you go into an interview, what salary you want to earn, what you need to live on, and what you will be willing to settle for.
☛ Be realistic: entry-level salaries are less negotiable than salaries for mid-level or executive positions.
☛ Practice your salary negotiation skills with a friend, or during a CSC videotaped mock interview session.
☛ Document your skills and accomplishments, and be prepared to talk about them. Know why you're worth whatever you expect to be paid !
☛ Don't be the first to mention salary during the interview, and use the negotiating tips listed below when the topic does come up.
☛ Never say, "I need at least ___ dollars."
☛ Don't worry about what your friends are making, the employer certainly isn't.
☛ Never lie about your salary history.
☛ Relax, it's natural to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable discussing salary.
☛ Once you have accepted a job offer and salary level, be sure to get it in writing.
28. What mostly job seekers feel while answering about negotiate salary?
Most job seekers feel anxious, embarrassed and uncomfortable when the time comes to discuss salaries. Advice such as "Never bring up the issue of salary; let the interviewer say it first," rarely helps if you don't have any idea of how to respond when the topic does come up. This handout gives you some basic information about negotiating salaries and benefits as part of your job search. For additional information, please refer to the list of books on the back of this page, or talk to a career counselor.