1. What are the rules for formatting a resume?
An attractively formatted resume catches the eye. Some simple rules to follow:
☛ Use left margin justification i.e. keep all text in the main body left-aligned.
☛ Use single line spacing between the lines.
☛ Use straight lines to break sections and also to give an outline to the resume, if you wish to.
☛ Simple bullet points under each category head give a neat format.
☛ For a hard copy print on plain white or cream paper.
☛ A resume should ideally be two pages in length, and a cover letter strictly one page.
2. What is applicant tracking system (ATS)?
A number of larger companies use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to automatically screen resumes. These systems search for keywords that indicate whether or not a candidate has the desired skills and/or experience for the position because applicant tracking system requires text-based resumes, some companies using applicant tracking system will simply toss aside nontraditional resumes.
3. How to write a custom resume?
It is a good idea to take the time to write a custom resume that specifically highlights the experience you have that is relevant to the job for which you are applying.
It definitely takes more time to write or carefully edit your resume but it is worth the effort, especially when applying for jobs that are a perfect match for your qualifications and experience.
To customize your resume, edit your resume so your skills and experience are as close a match as possible to the job description or job ad requirements. Take the keywords used in the job posting and work them into your resume.
4. What questions maybe asked by the interviewer about experience?
You may be asked:
☛ To summarize or describe all or parts of this section?
☛ To describe duties and accomplishments and to relate them to the position, whether they be the application of certain knowledge or the demonstration of particular skills or traits that helped you achieve results?
Keep in mind that the interviewer will be looking for clues that you have interpersonal, time and task management skills.
5. Which questions can be asked during an interview about the skills?
You may be asked:
☛ To offer specific examples if possible rather than general declarations of confidence.
☛ To answer direct questions such as "Tell me about your experience with X" where X is a specific skill.
☛ Do not hesitate to ask in return if what you describe meets their need or preference since what you learn could help you offer a stronger set of closing observations.
You should not have problems with these direct questions as long as you prepared for them in advance and have reviewed the position for required skills.
6. What questions are asked about the education in an interview?
You may be asked:
☛ Why you chose Syracuse?
☛ Your major or any of the other details of your academic choices?
These questions help an interviewer assess your career focus and decision-making and how you achieve your goals.
7. Why to use a better-quality paper for printing a resume?
For print resumes, use better-quality paper with a rag content of at least 25% and a watermark.
8. Which questions can be asked about the objective mentioned on a resume?
If included objectives, you may be asked:
☛ What you know about the field you have chosen?
☛ What your professional goals and advancement plans may be?
9. Which neutral colors are used for printing a resume?
Use white, off-white or pale gray. These are conservative colors that will not compete with the content of your resume.
10. Tell me about no underlining (except links)?
Reserve underlined text for web links. If you need to emphasize something, use bold or a different font size instead.
11. Do you know why consistent spacing is used in a resume format?
Use the same amount of space before and after headings, between bullets etc. This gives your resume a uniform look.
12. Why should we use limited number of fonts in a resume formation?
Use no more than two fonts styles-one for headings and the other for body text. More than that is distracting.
13. What is selective use of bold important in a resume format?
Use bold carefully and consistently. For example, if you bold the name of one company you have worked for, do it in all cases.
14. What is the use of bullets in resume formation?
Bulleted text allows you to break down complex information into readable chunks and also highlight key points.
15. What does easy-to-scan headings mean?
Your reader should be able to quickly locate key areas on your resume, such as education, without extensive searching.
16. Why is a design important in a resume?
The content of your resume is by far the most important factor. But design is important too for a couple of reasons:
☛ Your resume must be easy to read, and good design makes that possible. Design calls attention to key sections of your resume, such as work experience and education.
☛ A well-designed resume reflects positively on your skills. Sloppy or careless design may give a negative impression, even if you are well-qualified.
17. What is the use of white space in a resume format?
Lots of white space makes text easier to read. Text that is too dense may discourage time-pressed readers from reading further.
18. List some techniques to create a best resume?
There are several techniques you can use to create a highly readable and attractive resume which are given below:
☛ White space
☛ Better-quality paper (print)
☛ Neutral color (print)
☛ Bullets
☛ Selective use of bold
☛ No underlining (except links)
☛ Consistent spacing
☛ Easy-to-scan headings
☛ Limited number of fonts
19. Do you know how to creat a plain-text resume?
Although most companies will be able to handle your resume in Word format, occasionally you may need to have a plain-text resume that is been stripped of formatting. To create one, follow these steps:
☛ Copy your resume into a plain text editor like Notepad, which should be available as an accessory on your computer. Most of the formatting should be gone.
☛ Change any remaining bullets to asterisks and space once after the asterisk.
☛ For your main section headings, such as Work Experience, change to all caps so the headings stand out.
☛ Add spacing between sections as necessary for readability.
20. Why should profile or objective be added in a resume?
Including a resume objective can convince employers that you know what you want and are familiar with the job, the industry and the company.
If you include an objective on your resume, it is important to tailor the resume objective to match the job you are applying for. The more specific you are, the better chance you have of being considered for the job you are interested in.
21. Tell me why is it important to include all your contact information in a resume?
It is important to include all your contact information on your resume so employers can easily get in touch with you. Include your full name, street address, city, state and zip, home phone number, cell phone number and email address.
22. Why is it important to list your work achievements in a resume?
On the old style of resume it was enough to describe the duties and responsibilities you have held as an employee. Not so anymore. An employer is looking to see how you have actually added value as a worker. In most cases you will want to create accomplishment statements on your resume. It is competitive out there and you want to stand out from the crowd.
23. What should be left out on a resume?
Certain information should not be revealed to employers, on the grounds you might be exposing yourself to potential discrimination. Your age and marital status should be left off. Also your religion and country of origin.
24. What things we must put on a resume?
Your work history, educational background and earned credentials, career summary/objective and contact information are must-haves on your resume. So are a few other relevant details.
25. Which is better to position yourself as a generalist or a specialist?
Employers hire people for specific jobs. Each job comes with its own duties and responsibilities. An employer needs to know that you are qualified to do the specific job properly. Some jobs need people who are generalists, such as general laborer or handyman but most jobs are best suited to workers who are specially trained and have the necessary credentials in that line of work.
26. What is the purpose of a resume?
A resume is the document that gets you hired. That is not precisely how it works. Your resume is indeed the document you use to apply for jobs (along with a customized cover letter where appropriate). However the real function of your resume is to impress employers you contact so that they will bring you in for a job interview.
27. Please tell me how you email your resume?
When you're sending an email resume, it is important to follow the employer's instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resume.
The employer may want your resume attached to the email message and sent in a specific format, typically as a Word document or a PDF.
When applying for employment via email, copy and paste your cover letter into the email message or write your cover letter in the body of an email message.
28. Why is it good to use a resume template?
A resume template can be a good way to get started writing a resume. Use a resume template as a starting point for creating your own resume.
Once you have a template ready to use on your computer, add your information to the resume template, then tweak and edit it to personalize your resume, so it highlights your skills and abilities.
It is important to customize your resume, so it presents your candidacy for employment effectively. Don't be afraid to try changing the format and fonts, because the template is just a starting point for creating your own resume.
29. Why should you choose the right resume format?
There are several basic types of resumes used to apply for job openings. Depending on your personal circumstances, choose a chronological, a functional, combination or a targeted resume. Take the time to customize your resume. It is well worth the effort.
30. Why is it important to prioritize your resume content?
It is important to prioritize the content of your resume so that your most important and relevant experience is listed first, with key accomplishments listed at the top of each position.
As you compile the information for your resume, prioritize your accomplishments by importance, achievements and relevance to the job you are applying for.
31. Why do you include resume keywords in resumes?
Your resume should include the same keywords that appear in job descriptions. That way, you will increase your chances of your resume matching available positions and of you being selected for an interview.
Your resume keywords should include specific job requirements, including your skills, software and technology competencies, relevant credentials and previous employers.
32. What basic fonts you use in a resume?
When writing a resume it is important to use a basic font that is easy to read, both for hiring managers and for applicant management systems.
There are a few reasons why it is important to keep your resume simple. First of all, many of them are read by the applicant tracking systems I mentioned, not by people. Those systems work best reading text rather than fancy formatting.
33. List some tips to make best resumes?
Below are some tips to make best resumes:
☛ Choose a basic font
☛ Write a custom resume
☛ Tweak for technology
☛ Choose the right resume format
☛ Use a resume template
☛ Email your resume
☛ Include all your contact information
☛ Add a profile or objective
☛ Include resume keywords
☛ Prioritize your resume content
34. What is a resume template?
A resume template can help if your resume needs writing or rewriting. It is always useful to review resume templates and samples when you are writing your resume, so you can get an idea of what a resume should (and could) look like.
35. Tell me how will you format your resume?
Once you have decided on a type of resume, generate a list of information to include on your resume then compile the details to format your resume into a customized resume to send to employers.