1. Modem stand for?

Modulator Demodulater.
A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines.

2. What VVVF stand for?

Variable Voltage Variable Frequency.
It is a method of controlling the speed of an AC induction motor, whereby speed, current and torque can all be accurately controlled.

3. EPROM stand for?

Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
A chip found in alomst every microprocessor.

4. 'CD' abbreviation computer usually means?

Compact Disc.
Compact disc (CD) is a digital optical disc data storage format. The format was originally developed to store and play only sound recordings but was later adapted for storage of data (CD-ROM).

5. How many bits is in a byte?

The byte (/ˈbaɪt/) is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications that most commonly consists of eight bits.

6. Tell me what does AC and DC stand for in the electrical field?

Alternating Current and Direct Current.
Electricity is voltage and current. Voltage is electrical pressure, and current is the flow of charged particles. The difference between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) is that the electrons in an AC circuit regularly reverse their direction. In a DC circuit electrons always flow in the same direction.

8. As input used by an antenna or cable to a TV set uses frequencies called?

RF is radio frequency. IF is intermediate frequency used inside the TV for processing. AF is audio frequency. SAP is second audio program which may have another language or other soundtrack as an option to the main soundtrack.

9. Tell me Compact discs, (according to the original CD specifications) hold how many minutes of music?

74 mins.
According to many stories surrounding the origin of the compact disc, 74 minutes was settled on because it would comfortably contain all of Beethoven's 9th symphony on one disc. Although some stories reference a specific Sony higher-up who claimed this as his favorite piece of music, stories differ. All that's known for sure is that Sony insisted on this and won out over Phillips' original 60 minute proposal.

11. Sometimes voltage is referred to as EMF, or Electromotive?

The term EMF, or Electromotive Force, its use now in decline, is attributed to Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827). Today we generally use the term "voltage" - can you guess why we call it that?

14. Which decade was the ARRL founded?

On April 6, 1914, Hiram Percy Maxim proposed the formation of the American Radio Relay League.

15. What will UPS be used for in a building?

To provide power to essential equipment.
UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply. Examples of equipment that may require a UPS supply are computers, fire detection systems, hospital operating theatre equipment and escape route lighting.

16. Which are three types of lasers?

Gas, solid state, diode.
The first laser was a solid state laser. Solid state refers to any solid material like a glass rod. Diode lasers are very common because they are used to read compact disks and digital video disks in computers, CD players, and DVD players. Before diode lasers, the most common type of laser may have been the helium-neon laser, in which the active medium is a combination of the two gasses helium and neon.

17. Which decade with the first transatlantic radio broadcast occur?

On December 12, 1901, a radio transmission received by Guglielmo Marconi resulted in the first transmission of a transatlantic wireless signal (Morse Code) from Poldhu, Cornwall, to St. John's, Newfoundland.

18. Which decade was the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) founded?

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) was formed in 1963 by the merger of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE, founded 1912) and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE, founded 1884).

19. What most common format for a home video recorder is VHS. VHS stands for?

Video Home System.
JVC (Japan Victor Corporation) and Matsushita (Panasonic) developed the VHS format to compete with Sony which developed the Beta format as the first home video cassette recorder. VHS originally stood for Vertical Helical Scan, but now means Video Home System.

20. Which decade was the SPICE simulator introduced?

SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) was introduced in May 1972 by the University of Berkeley, California.

21. Tell me about a time when it was necessary for you to communicate technical information, clearly, to an audience?

Applicant should appear to keep current with current technological advancements and they should be able communicate that information succinctly and clearly.

23. Give me an example of an assignment, which you have recently worked on, that involved the learning of a new technical development?

Applicant should not show resistance, but a willingness to learn. They should want to understand and implement new knowledge.

24. How computer literate are you, and which software programs are you familiar with?

Knowledge of software should include word processing, presentation software, database and spreadsheet programs, and industry specific software

25. Could your work performance be improved by incorporating new technical knowledge and developments?

Job seeker should push for new technical training and to implement this new knowledge into work practices.

26. What is your level of experience with software used in your job? What resources do you use when faced with a PC problem?

Candidate should be able, and prepared, to communicate a difficulty to colleagues. They should be aware of online and software resources, such as Microsoft help and support, to overcome difficulties.

27. Have you ever used software to make a work related presentation?

Applicant should have experience of making presentation and of using PowerPoint.