1. Mid Life interview questions part 2:

► Are you flirting with the idea of having an affair or have you started one? Are you spending inordinate amount of time on your computer engaged in online chats with strangers?
► Do you have a desperate desire the freedom and independence, regardless of how it impacts others? Are you seeking adventure, but not sure where to find it?
► Are you acting recklessly, like driving your car too fast or engaging in other impulsive behaviors like you may have as a teenager? Are you dressing like your much younger daughter? Spending a lot of time with people half your age?
► Have you gained a lot of weight? Are you binging on junk food? Have you lost a lot of weight, lost interest in food or gone on crash diets? Are you obsessively exercising?
► Are you drinking too much, often by yourself?
► Are you overusing prescription or recreational drugs?
► Are you obsessing about your appearance, trying to 'anti-age' and overdoing it on cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery to look younger?
► Do you find yourself looking in the mirror and think, I don't recognize myself?

2. Mid Life interview questions part 1:

► Have you been feeling down or empty for long periods of time with no relief? (This is different than mood swings, which come and go.)
► Do you get enraged over small things or have violent outbursts with your family and friends? (Again, this is not the same as feeling irritable on and off.)
► Do you feel detached? Have you stopped engaging in activities that once gave you pleasure with your mate, friends or at work? Do you find hobbies that use to interest you now feel meaningless or boring?
► Do you find yourself constantly thinking about your mortality, the meaning (or meaninglessness) of life?
► Are you deeply dissatisfied with your relationship? Have you cut off emotionally and physically from your mate?
► Are you thinking of quitting your job or fantasizing about never working again, even if you can't afford to retire?
► Does the life you envision ahead exclude the people or activities you are currently attached to?
► If you were once religious, are you questioning your beliefs? Are you seeking a deeper connection to spirituality? Do 'new wave' religious groups or cults interest you?
► Do you keep thinking about running away or taking a break even if you have responsibilities that keep you from doing so? For example, is it hard to imagine finding satisfaction in being a mother or wife anymore?

3. Symptoms of midlife crisis when turns into depression?

► Change in eating habits
► Change in sleeping habits, fatigue
► Feelings of pessimism or hopelessness
► Restlessness, anxiety or irritability
► Feeling of guilt, helplessness or worthlessness
► Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, including sex and hobbies
► Thoughts of suicide or attempts at suicide
► Physical aches or pains such as headaches or gastrointestinal upset that don't respond to treatment.

4. How to be a realistic?

You should forecast your new career income stream. This new income stream has to replace your current pay. Ask yourself: Do you really can handle the financial and other obstacles until seeing the fruits and benefits?

5. What is financial viability?

Certainly, there will be several reasons that you did not pursue the profession that you wanted to at a time.
There may even be some financial reasons, like the fact that the profession would not be financially viable at the time. For example, game designing today is one of the most lucrative professions, but just twenty years ago the resources needed to make a computer game were quite humongous. it is the evolution of the Internet and computer technology that has made it possible for the profession of gaming to be so lucrative.
In the same way, the enhancements of other aspects may make the something that was not viable twenty years ago to be viable today. Only after proper research should you think about the financial viability of your mid life job change.

6. What is the mean of learning curve?

You have worked your whole life for some reason and now you wish to work for something else.
And it is quite difficult, because learning anything at the age of forty or fifty is quite difficult. Therefore, make sure that you are really interested in the profession. Your interest and genuine enthusiasm to change your profession will make it easier to handle the learning curve of the abilities and skills that you should have for the different job.

7. What is financial freedom?

You desire a progress. Your have high expectation and want to get new opportunities. You have already worked hard your way up the career ladder. However, you feel ready and confident for a career movement and a career change.

8. Why you don't like your job?

You remain at your job because the money is good but you don't like your job. Your job may be 'good enough' but your interests are different - You want to do something completely different.

9. What is the outlook?

Potentially good. Ultimately, the mid-life crisis is about managing change of one kind or another, and as millions of older men can testify, there lies a fresh perspective and new satisfactions on the other side of the transition. Never suffer in silence: always ask for help if you need it, and explore every avenue. And remember: life can begin at any age.

10. What are the main treatments?

If the debate on the existence of the male menopause is heated, TRT has caused even more controversy. This treatment involves administering doses of extra testosterone through patches, injections, pills or creams to those suffering male-menopausal symptoms.

11. How can I prevent it?

► Finding better ways of tackling stress. Try to avoid the temptation to use alcohol, nicotine or other drugs to relieve it. Instead, try some de-stressing treatments and exercises. Many complementary approaches, such as aromatherapy, massage and yoga, can all have a powerful relaxing effect. Self-hypnosis tapes, meditation and other "mindful" techniques which help you to switch off can be useful too. The effects of exercise in promoting positive moods and reducing mild depression are well-documented.
► Accepting that you're no longer young and that you're not immortal. The journey from youth to middle age and on into old age may seem frightening and painful, but you can also see it as an opportunity to re-evaluate and perhaps change the direction of your life. Rather than believing that ageing is simply about having to give things up, try to think about what you'd like to start. When you reach 60, you could still be only two-thirds of the way through your life. That leaves a great deal of time to broaden your interests, travel, return to education, learn new work skills or take up new sports.

12. What are the physical causes?

► Some doctors argue that the crisis of confidence and the unpleasant mid-life symptoms some men experience are not primarily psychological in origin. While there may be common psychological problems arising as a reaction to life events and the consequences of getting older, they argue for the existence of a "male menopause" involving hormonal changes in the body, analogous to the female menopause.
► The male menopause has been defined by its proponents as the hormonal, physiological and chemical changes which occur in men between around 40 and 55.
► Opponents of the male menopause theory don't deny that testosterone levels fall steadily with age or that SHBG levels may rise. What they do say, however, is that these changes aren't sufficient to produce any noticeable symptoms in the vast majority of men.

13. What are the psychological causes?

► While the Reggie Perrin stereotype is richly comic, it isn't difficult to see that in real-life cases such drastic behavior may be motivated by deeper issues that are all too serious. Many of us are aware of feelings of disillusionment and irritability setting in in middle age, attributable perhaps to a heightened sense of our own mortality and/or feelings of dissatisfaction at the way life has turned out. Very often such gloomy insights are brought on by a specific trigger: a redundancy or divorce, perhaps, or a more trivial event like a milestone birthday.
► Many men find the changes in sexual function which come with getting older unsettling.
► By middle age, men may have achieved most of their realistic goals and be unclear about their future direction. Relationships may also change, and are often adversely affected, especially when children leave the parental home.
► Men are better educated, healthier and likely to live longer when they enter mid-life than at any time in the past. This can lead to a greater degree of reflection, and often, introspection, on what has happened during the first part of life and what the future holds.
► Sleep may be another factor.

14. What causes it?

Not only is the existence of the mid-life crisis questionable, those who believe it exists also disagree about the causes. Is it psychological, even sociological, in origin? Or hormonal? Or a bit of both?

15. What are the main risks?

► Some experts argue that men are at risk of suffering the symptoms of mid-life crisis from the age of 30, although the period from the late 30s to age 50 is generally nearer the mark for most.
► The proportion of men who experience emotional difficulties during mid-life is unknown. A few psychologists argue that almost all men go through a mid-life crisis to some degree - they all have to deal with what is a time of transition and adjust to a new perspective on life.
► Classically, any man for whom work is his main source of personal identity, or who starts to feel or show his age, is a strong candidate.
► There is some evidence that men most affected by the mid-life crisis are those who have given little thought to such inevitable upheavals as ageing and retirement. Studies have shown that the condition is associated with a tendency to avoid problems and an uncertainty about the future.
► On the other hand, it's also the case that many men seem to pass through this stage of life without any apparent difficulties at all.

16. What are the main symptoms?

► Irritability
► Loss of libido
► Erectile dysfunction
► Fatigue
► Depression
► Stiffness in the muscles and joints
► Night sweats
► Dry skin
► Hair loss
► Weight gain
► A loss of ability to recover quickly from injuries

17. What is it(ML)?

A controversial condition or syndrome which some doctors and psychologists thinks affects many men in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Some believe it has mainly psychological causes while others argue that it's related to hormonal changes. Other health professionals argue that there's no such condition, however, and that the symptoms often associated with mid-life crisis have other causes.

18. How long does a mid life crisis take?

The fastest it evolves is 2 years with expert guidance as I provide. Otherwise, it tends to process over 5-6 years in 1-3 year cycles with each cycle being a new fad. Each fad representing the greatest new thing to overcome and make your own. Lots of crashing and burning and changes etc.

19. How do I work with feeling stuck at my job?

It's a very common situation in mid life crisis to feel trapped in a job. Of course you don't have to be in mid life crisis to feel trapped in a job either. Finding a job that fits one's soul isn't easy especially since most people only work to make money rather than trying to work in harmony to their essence.
► Extend how long you are at the current job without driving yourself insane
► Learn the lessons needed so you don't repeat the mistakes of this job within your next job.
► Begin retraining yourself while in the current job to begin creating the next job that does fit to your essence.

20. How can we help others?

You would be surprised, but many people in midlife crisis often get a strong desire to become healers, to aid others and help people who are down in their luck. It is great to help others and to be kind in this process.

21. What is the simple truth of balance?

You must also be kind to yourself.

22. How do people fall apart in Midlife Crisis?

Hitting bottom in Midlife crisis typically occurs in 3 steps. For many this occurs over a 2 to 4 year time frame to truly hit bottom. The real issue is that people often have more to release than they realize. Some people can actually linger an entire lifetime in this process, especially when they refuse to let go of the various issues that hamper the truer growth process they are within. This is why getting help can be so important, since an outside perspective is often the easiest way to remove your own self imposed bottlenecks for growth.

23. When you are of two minds: the old you and new you, which essence wins out and at what cost?

They know the old you like no one else.. They are clueless about the new you and in fact any revealing of the new you would probably cause conflict in the relationship due to their judgement of what you should be got set when you first got married. So for you to grow into something new, you will only invoke judgement from them in trying to grow into someone new.

24. What happens when you are shifting and your "till death do you part"-partner is just stuck and hardening?

Case by case really. There isn't a "right" path here. Generally speaking you work towards graceful answers that embrace kindness. Kindness is to be in your essence and this means balancing out your actions relative to your essence accordingly. Kindness isn't to be nice, at times it might align up that way but to be in your essence usually leads to traveling some hard and twisted roads in the attempt to balance everything out.

25. What is MLC - Mid Life Crisis?

Mid Life Crisis is a natural part of life. This really is a time when a person gets to change into something they truly want to be in life.
The sad truth is: many people do not know what they want to be or often force themselves to be something different than what their essence calls out for them to be.
Mid Life Transformation is a normal part of life. As a natural part of life it takes several years for it to fully complete. It's a choice on how to grow and become more. The process doesn't have to be a crisis but many people do make it a crisis: by forcing it or rushing into it all too fast.
From all the stories from what people do, it may seem to be an experience to avoid but avoiding your own nature will actually promote a deeper crisis later.
What is it? It's a time when your body, mind and spirit are all are trying to mature into a strong integrated independent person. If you approach this time without judgement, with patience, practicing awareness and taking time to grow to your heart: it can be the most wonderful time in a person's life also.

26. Subordinates and peers who have more experience in the industry than you how will you deal with them?

Just as I have dealt with subordinates and peers in the past. Of course, I will learn from them when I can and take their suggestions if valid. But I will also demonstrate that my experience and knowledge is transferable to this industry.

27. Why do you want to work here, rather you do not have experience in this industry?

You may not know yet - so say that but follow it with "but here is what I know about your company... How accurate am I?" If you do know why you want to work for this company it will usually relate to one of three areas - the company (reputation, high-profile, growth, offering of ground-floor opportunities), the position (variety, pace, technical orientation, scope of authority) or the people (personality match). Always articulate what you can do for the company, not what the company can do for you.

28. After reviewing your qualifications, I find that you do not have...?

That is true, but I do have... Give examples. Again, relating your skills to the position. Keep the interviewer's attention focused on the real issue - your ability to do the job.

29. Tell me is this job represent a career switch for you?

While I have never been in this industry, I will be using the same abilities and skills to solve problems, meet deadlines and manage people that were needed in my previous positions. For example, (give examples of your abilities which form a connecting link between your skills in previous jobs and the one in which you are being interviewed).

30. What are the side effects to Intake Alcohol?

Drinking alcohol poses special concerns for women. A woman who drinks the same amount as a man is affected more. This is because her body contains less water to dilute the alcohol and her stomach has less of the key enzyme that digests it. When you drink, the alcohol slows your reflexes and affects your judgment and memory. One important reason why perimenopausal women should watch their drinking is that alcohol interferes with bone growth and calcium absorption.

31. Can a midlife person smoked?

Women who smoke shorten their lives by five to eight years. They also increase their risk of osteoporosis. Smoking doubles the risk of heart disease and cancer of the cervix and vulva in women, and multiplies the risk of lung cancer 12 times. Even the children of smokers can be affected by being exposed to secondhand smoke.

32. How to maintain a healthy weight?

Weight gain is not so much a result of meno-pause as of middle age. About one in four women aged 35 to 64 years is overweight. Metabolism slows as you age, so your body takes longer to burn up the food you eat. Women have about 25 percent body fat, compared with 15 percent for men. This extra fat makes it easier for women to gain weight and harder to lose it.
In general, it's best not to exceed weight guidelines for your height.

33. Can a midlife person should do exercise?

Making exercise a part of your life can pay off in many ways. Exercise can help you lose weight and keep it off. Aerobic exercises help protect against heart disease and diabetes, and weight-bearing exercises help prevent osteoporosis.
To get a good cardiovascular workout, you need to exercise at your target heart rate for 30 minutes or more most days of the week.
In short, exercise makes you look and feel better.

34. Is it helpful to eat a healthy diet?

Eating a healthy diet will help you look and feel better. It also will lower your risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.

35. What kind of risks and side effects are possible to face?

As with any treatment, HT is not risk free. Estrogen therapy causes the lining of the uterus to grow and can increase the risk of uterine cancer. However, adding progestin lowers the risk of uterine cancer to less than that in women who do not take HT.
In women who take HT, spotty bleeding may occur. Some women even get heavier bleeding like that of a menstrual period.
There is an increased risk of breast cancer in women who use combined hormone therapy. The increase appears to be small, but increases depending on how long a women takes hormone therapy. Hormone therapy also modestly increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and blood clots.