1. Why Did You Resign From Your Job?

I resigned because there were limited opportunities for advancement and I wanted to further my career.
I graduated from college and resigned in order to find a position where I could use my education and related experience.
To be honest, the position wasn't a fit and I decided it made sense to resign and to refocus my career path.
I resigned because the position required me to be on-call evenings and weekends and it was difficult to arrange child care on short notice.
I resigned because the position was part-time and my personal situation has changed so I need full-time employment.
My skills weren't a good match for my previous employer's needs but it looks like they'd be a terrific fit for this position.
I resigned from my job because I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my skills and experience in a different capacity than I have in the past.
My family relocated to this area and my previous employer doesn't have an office here.
I've been working as a temp, but I'm seeking a permanent position, so I resigned from the temp agency's staffing roster.
I resigned for personal reasons, however, at this point in time, I am excited about moving into a new position.
I'm seeking a a new challenge and to grow my career and it was difficult to job search while working.
I resigned due to family circumstances, however, I have regained the flexibility I need to work effectively in a full-time job.

2. What to Say When You Quit a Job?

Not sure what to say to your boss when you need to quit your job? Regardless of your reasons for leaving a job, there is a right way to do so and potentially damaging consequences if you take the wrong approach.

It can be challenging to take a calm and reasoned approach to resigning if you've been mistreated or under appreciated. However, words spoken or written in haste could come back to haunt you since you never know when staff at your company will have the opportunity to convey a negative impression regarding your work or character.

Employers tend to take the side of former employers over job candidates when checking references. Some organizations will conduct formal background checks which will go back further than your current or last job so even if you have already secured a new job, it is not wise to alienate a former employer.

What to Say When You Quit Your Job

Your resignation letter and in-person conversations should contain as many of the following elements as possible.

Thank You for the Opportunity. An expression of gratitude for the opportunity to grow in your current job or learn new skills. This might include a brief reference to specific skills or knowledge. Expressing thanks for the opportunity to work with colleagues might also fit into this category.

Why You Are Leaving. You do not need to mention the specifics of your new job or pursuit but might choose to allude to this in a general way. For example, if you were working in inside sales, you might mention that you have landed an outside sales job. If you are leaving to go back to school, relocating to care for an elderly parent or with a spouse who has found a new job, you might mention this fact. It is hard to imagine a scenario where it would be beneficial to mention (particularly in writing) anything that reflects badly on the employer or fellow employees.

3. Tips for Quitting Your Job:

Thinking about quitting your job? Here are tips for quitting your job, including advice on deciding to quit, how to resign with class, how to quit over the phone or by email, how to write a resignation letter, what to do if you are asked to quit your job, and more tips on quitting your job.

In addition, there is information on employee benefits you may be eligible for when you leave your job, when you'll get your last paycheck, getting paid for unused vacation or personal leave time, what to do if you're asked to quit, and how to say goodbye to your co-workers when you've quit your job.

4. How to Resign From Your Job?

Turning in your resignation isn't always easy. Even if you hate your job, hate your boss and can't wait to start that new job; even if you are about to be fired, it can be difficult to resign tactfully.

First of all, be sure that you really do want to quit. Here are the top 10 warning signs that it's time to look for a new job. Also, here's a list of good (and bad) reasons for leaving your job.

Then, handle your resignation as carefully as you would handle any other business endeavor. It's always wise to not burn bridges. You never know when you will need your past employers for a reference.

Resignation Pros and Cons

Before you make the decision to quit, be absolutely sure that this is the right decision. An employee once called me the day after she started her new job. She hated it, regretted resigning and wanted to come back.By the time we heard from her, we had already filled the position and she was out of luck.

If you're not sure about the position you are considering taking, ask if you can spend a day in the office "shadowing" the staff. It may reinforce your decision to take the position or help you decide you don't want it.

5. How to Quit a Job Over the Phone?

Quitting a job over the phone isn't the most polite way to quit. However, if you are unable to resign in person, quitting over the phone or via email are alternatives. Do keep in mind, if you quit and don't plan on working any more days, it may cost you a reference. Here's how to quit a job over the phone.

If you know ahead of that time that you are going quit over the phone or resign via email be sure you haven't left any personal belonging at work. It's awkward to have to go back after you've quit, so take everything you want to save with you. Also, don't leave any personal information on your work computer.

How To Quit A Job Over The Phone

Talk to Your Supervisor. The best way to quit a job over the phone is to call your supervisor and explain why you are quitting. Don't say much more than you are leaving, but if you have a reason for quitting that sounds legitimate, use it. For example, personal or family illness are reasons why you could have to quit without notice.

6. How to Say Farewell to Co-Workers?

You have lost your job or you've found a new one and you're moving on. As you depart, it's important to take the time to say farewell to your co-workers. Both to let them know you're leaving or have left and because you want to be able to stay in touch and provide them with your personal contact information.

The Best Way to Say Farewell

What's the best way to say farewell to your co-workers? Don't send a mass email. Instead, send personalized individual emails or messages via LinkedIn, rather than group messages, so your farewell message is personal.

7. Do I Qualify for Unemployment?

Unemployment insurance benefits are available for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. There are eligibility requirements to qualify for unemployment benefits including working a certain number of weeks for a certain number of hours each week.

Eligibility requirements to qualify for unemployment compensation vary from state to state.

The unemployment compensation you will receive depends on the amount you earned while working.

If you're not sure whether you're eligible, file a claim and the unemployment office will determine your eligibility for unemployment compensation.

When You Don't Qualify for Unemployment

The following circumstances may disqualify you from collecting unemployment benefits:

Fired for misconduct
Quit without good cause
Resigned because of illness (check on disability benefits)
Left to get married
Involved in a labor dispute
Attending school

8. How to Quit Your Job?

Even if you're not giving much, or any, advance notice, there are ways to resign gracefully. A conversation is always best, but if it's not possible to discuss your resignation with your supervisor in person, you can use a phone call or email message to resign.

9. Do I Have to Give Two Weeks Notice?

Under normal circumstances, giving two weeks notice is standard practice. However, I often hear from employees who are working under very difficult circumstances or just started a job and know it isn't going to work out and aren't sure what to do. Should they stick it out for another couple of weeks or are there times when you can give less than two weeks notice or no notice at all?

In most cases, it is advisable, even in difficult employment situations, to give the mandatory two weeks notice (or more in some cases) which has been outlined in an employer's policy guidelines. You never know when a previous employer might be contacted by a prospective one, so it is wise to leave on the best possible terms. It can impact your future employment options if a prospective employer is told that you quit without notice.

Reasons Not to Give Two Weeks Notice

However, there may be some circumstances like the following where leaving sooner might be permissible:

An employee has been physically abusive
A supervisor has sexually harassed you
The work environment is unsafe or it is unsafe to carry out your assigned responsibilities
Your mental health is being seriously endangered by job stress
You have not been paid the agreed upon wage or wages have been withheld for an unreasonable length of time
You have been asked to do something which is clearly unethical or illegal
Personal or family circumstances are such that you need to leave the job
A crisis has happened in your life, and there is no way you can continue on the job

Before You Quit Your Job

In most cases, it will make sense to contact the Human Resources department or management officials not directly involved with your grievance to discuss your situation and explore possible remedies or accommodations prior to giving notice. In some cases it will also make sense to consult a counselor or therapist to help you cope with job stress.

10. Tell us Can Staying With a Company Hurt Your Career?

I've talked to job seekers who were unexpectedly unemployed after spending 10 or 20 years at the same job with the same company. They were worried about whether it would impact their chances of getting hired, and it could.

There's a fine line between establishing tenure at a company to show that you're not a job hopper and staying so long that employers are hesitant to hire you. For many jobs, employers seek both some tenure and career progression, so it can be a balancing act to decide when you need to move on. For example, some companies are now posting tenure requirements in job ads:

Good tenure with no more than two jobs in five years unless progressive growth in the same company.
Must have 5 years tenure at each of two prior companies.

However, there is such a thing as too much tenure. If you work at the same job for too long, future employers may assume that you are not motivated or driven to achieve. Other employers might think that you are most comfortable with the familiar and would have difficulty adapting to a new job, leadership style or corporate culture.

In addition, if you remain in the same job for too long employers might think you have a less diverse and evolved set of skills than a candidate that has mastered a broader range of jobs.

11. Tell me Can I Get Unemployment If I Quit?

One of the questions I'm asked quite often is can I get unemployment if I quit a job? When you quit your job you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits. In most cases, if you quit you are not eligible for unemployment. However, if you left for a good reason (technically defined as quitting for good cause) you may be able to collect unemployment benefits.

Good Cause Reasons to Quit a Job

Reasons considered good cause can include not being paid, an unsafe or unhealthy work environment, a change in your job responsibilities, discrimination, health and safety risks on the job, or some types of family emergencies.

12. Explain can a Company Fire You After You Give Notice?

I'm often asked about what can happen after you give two weeks notice to an employer. Employees wonder if the company is obligated to keep them on the payroll for the duration of their employment.

When a Company Can Fire You

In most cases, an employer can fire you or stop paying you after you give notice. That's because most employees are considered employed at will, which means that the company can terminate you at any time for no reason. Workers with employment contracts or covered by union agreements are generally protected in this situation, as are employees who have been discriminated against. Some state laws include exceptions to at-will employment policies, as well.

13. Tell me Can I Collect Unemployment if I Resign From My Job?

When you resign from your job you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits. In most cases, if you quit voluntarily you are not eligible. However, if you left for good cause you may be able to collect unemployment benefits.

Reasons considered good cause could include, for example, unsafe working conditions, not being paid, a change in your job duties, discrimination, health and safety risks on the job, or some types of family emergencies. Here's more information on quitting for good cause and collecting unemployment.

Good cause is determined by the state unemployment office, and it varies by state. When you file for unemployment, you will be able to make a case for why you are eligible for unemployment benefits if the employer contests your claim. If your claim is denied, you should be entitled to a hearing where you can plead your case.

14. Are there any Reasons to Not Give Two Weeks Notice?

Under normal circumstances, giving two weeks notice is standard practice. However, I often hear from employees who are working under very difficult circumstances or just started a job and know it isn't going to work out and aren't sure what to do. Should they stick it out for another couple of weeks or are there times when you can give less than two weeks notice or no notice at all?

In most cases, it is advisable, even in difficult employment situations, to give the mandatory two weeks notice (or more in some cases) which has been outlined in an employer's policy guidelines. You never know when a previous employer might be contacted by a prospective one, so it is wise to leave on the best possible terms. It can impact your future employment options if a prospective employer is told that you quit without notice.

15. Are There Any Employee Benefits When You Leave Your Job?

Find out about the employment related benefits that you may be eligible for when you resign, get fired, or get laid-off from your job. Here's information on unemployment, severance packages, giving notice, writing a resignation letter, health insurance, retirement plans, workers compensation, disability, references and more resources for people who are changing jobs.

17. Explain Have you ever been asked to resign?

If the candidate has, they should explain the situation in a positive manner. Interviewer will look for positive and/or negative reasons, ethical reasons, or they may try to determine whether or not the applicant would have been fired had they not resigned.

18. Explain Have you ever been fired?

If the candidate has, they should use extreme caution when answering the question. Convincing reasons will be necessary and should be planned before the interview.

19. How would you resign from a company if you had decided upon that option?

Applicant should understand that they need to give sufficient notice and would allow for discussion with their superiors regarding the matter.