1. What are all the languages or skills you have with our current opening?

This is a chance to express about you. Make sure that you explain to him about skills you have which might not be relevant to the current opening but they will have long term benefits when you are selected. If you are not selected then you will have an edge when those skills are required by the employer.

2. What do your employers say about you?

State positive attributes about yourself and also remember that we do have our negatives just state some of them which you would like to stop or reduce. Employers like to always have neutral employees rather than over positive or negative people around them. Try to be calm, neutral and honest

3. What is your goal after five years from now?

Explain to the interviewer about how you would see you're self after five years from now. You can speak about your long term goals and short term goals. Also state whether you would like to learn any language or specific skill during this period.

4. Any extracurricular activities you undertook?

Make sure that you explain all the extra curricular activities you have started or participated in your employment. Have some papers or certificates which can suffix that. These activities are important because they can show your team play and leadership skills.

5. Explain about the most challenging project you have undertaken?

When answering this question make sure that you have a rough abstract of the project report before you. This makes your work simpler rather than recollecting it. Technical specifications should be explained as clearly as possible. Deadlines, key points, specifications, etc should be explained very clearly.

6. Explain about all the job responsibilities you have undertaken?

Make sure that you have your resume in front of you to tell the employers about all the work you have undertaken so far and the job responsibilities you have undertaken.

7. Explain about your past work experience?

When you are answering this question make sure that you speak about your past experience. Don't fumble or get nervous while answering this question.

8. Interview determines your career progress and it details about your job prospects. There are some dos and don'ts which should be taken care of during the interview they are

1) Avoid chewing gum, smoking, drinking, eating, etc during the interview.
2) Have some water beside you incase you need to wet your mouth.
3) Smiling has a profound effect which makes you and the interviewer comfortable. Make sure you develop a habit of smiling because it will help you in your interview.
4) Speak clearly, slowly, and explain to him in a pleasant tone.
5) Use Mr. or Ms and if you know their last name then use it.Ask for permission if you need to use their first name.
6) Never ever interrupt while some one is talking which applies here also.
7) Short answers are best answers be specific wherever requested.
8) Don't rush go slow take a moment to think about the answer.
9) Ask for a face to face interview whether it is possible to have one scheduled.
There are telephone`s ethics which should be followed during the conversation because it makes you professional make sure that you follow.

9. Some of the things which you should have on your desk are

1) An updated resume which contains all the information about your project.
2) Project report and a short list of accomplishments
3) Have a Pen and paper handy for jotting down any important piece of information.
4) Call waiting should be turned off.
5) Be free from external noise turn off your stereo or music player, tell your family and friends to stay put for sometime, Shut the dog, etc.
6) Make sure that you avoid cell phone and prefer a landline instead because a cell phone can have a dropped call, a static influence, etc.
7) Have all the things spread on your desk which are deemed to be important. Most importantly be far from distractions.

10. When you are attending a telephonic interview

When you are attending a telephonic interview you would get only few minutes to express about yourself and your technical capabilities. Make sure that you speak to the interviewer clearly and in audible tone.

11. There are also benefits with this process to the candidate they are

► One can attend the interview in his comfort zone.
► He can comfortably speak irrespective of the concerns for body language, clothing, etc.
► Have technical help with him during the process of interview.
► Can make good use of his communication skills without being afraid of one-one interview sessions.

12. These defects are prime concern for an interviewer

These defects are prime concern for an interviewer and the worst part is you may never know when you would be receiving the call. Be prepared for the call always when you have applied for one.

13. Patience level exhibited by recruiters on telephonic interview is minimal if you have

► Poor communication skills
► No command on the language
► Lack of technical skills
► Low grasping capabilities

14. Generally phone interview is used as a screening process for final interview or in face interview.

Process of conducting interviews through telephone is increasing by day and companies do often get their candidates during this initial phase. This process also reduces expenditure of the company.